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Modeling Fecal Bacteria Fate and Transport to Address Pathogen Impairments in the United States Brian Benham Extension Specialist and Associate Professor,

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Presentation on theme: "Modeling Fecal Bacteria Fate and Transport to Address Pathogen Impairments in the United States Brian Benham Extension Specialist and Associate Professor,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modeling Fecal Bacteria Fate and Transport to Address Pathogen Impairments in the United States Brian Benham Extension Specialist and Associate Professor, and Director, Center for Watershed Studies Biological Systems Engineering Virginia Tech Center for Watershed Studies

2 Objectives  Background  What is watershed management?  What is a TMDL?  Review the VA TMDL process with generalizations  Impairment Designation  TMDL Development  Implementation 2

3 Center for Watershed Studies What is Watershed Management?  Watershed management recognizes that the water quality of our streams, lakes, and estuaries results from…  human activities  watershed characteristics in upstream areas  The goal of watershed management is…  an environmentally and economically healthy watershed that benefits all stakeholders  Each watershed management plan includes…  unique goals  site-specific management strategies to achieve those goals

4 Center for Watershed Studies What is a TMDL?  A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) quantifies the amount of a particular pollutant a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards (pollutant diet). TMDL =  WLA +  LA + MOS Where: WLA = waste load allocation (point sources) LA = load allocation (nonpoint sources) MOS = Margin of safety  3-phase process  Impairment Designation  TMDL Development  Implementation 4

5 5 Conceptual TMDL Time Concentration, C (mg/L) Water Quality Standard Existing Condition TMDL Scenario Concentration 5 Center for Watershed Studies

6 TMDL Process Water quality standards met Clean Implementation Planning How many and what type of ‘fixes’ are needed? Implementation Monitoring 6 Study Watershed study to determine needed pollutant reduction TMDL Development Water quality standards not met Impairment Designation Center for Watershed Studies Adaptive management

7 TMDL Process Water quality standards met Clean Implementation Planning How many and what type of ‘fixes’ are needed? Implementation Monitoring 7 Study Watershed study to determine needed pollutant reduction TMDL Development Water quality standards not met Impairment Designation Center for Watershed Studies

8 TMDL Development Phase 1. Determine existing and potential future pollutant loads in the watershed  watershed characterization and pollutant source characterization (model inputs) 2. Link loads to waterbody water quality  pollutant fate and transport modeling  existing and future conditions 3. Define the pollutant load reductions required to achieve applicable water quality criteria  allocation analysis: use model(s) to allocation pollutant loads 8

9 Center for Watershed Studies 9 Link pollutant sources to water quality with aid of models  Watershed model  Watershed characterization  Source characterization  Climate variability  Fate and transport  Allocation analysis Stream Network = X Models are used to predict how watersheds respond, and to evaluate pollutant reduction options Land use and Management Source: EPA 841-B-05-005

10 Center for Watershed Studies Modeling NPS pollutants 10 (Novotny and Chesters 1981)

11 TMDL Process Implementation Planning How many and what type of ‘fixes’ are needed? Implementation Monitoring 11 Study Watershed study to determine needed pollutant reduction TMDL Development Water quality standards not met Impairment Designation Center for Watershed Studies Adaptive management

12 Identify and prioritize appropriate BMPs 12 Center for Watershed Studies

13 13 Implement BMPs Center for Watershed Studies

14 Fencing and Riparian Buffer Photos: Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation

15 Center for Watershed Studies Photo: Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation

16 TMDL Process Water quality standards met Clean Implementation Planning How many and what type of ‘fixes’ are needed? Implementation Monitoring 16 Study Watershed study to determine needed pollutant reduction TMDL Development Water quality standards not met Impairment Designation Center for Watershed Studies

17 17

18 Center for Watershed Studies Watershed Management Planning Steps STEP 1 B UILD P ARTNERSHIPS  ID stakeholders  ID issues of concern  Set preliminary goals  Develop indicators  Conduct outrea ch 18 Source: EPA 841-B-05-005

19 Center for Watershed Studies STEP 1 B UILD P ARTNERSHIPS  ID stakeholders  ID issues of concern  Set preliminary goals  Develop indicators  Conduct outrea ch STEP 2 C HARACTERIZE W ATERSHED  Gather existing data  Create data inventory  ID data gaps  Collect additional data, if needed  Analyze data  ID causes and sources  Estimate pollutant loads Watershed Management Planning Steps 19 Source: EPA 841-B-05-005

20 Center for Watershed Studies STEP 1 B UILD P ARTNERSHIPS  ID stakeholders  ID issues of concern  Set preliminary goals  Develop indicators  Conduct outrea ch STEP 2 C HARACTERIZE W ATERSHED  Gather existing data  Create data inventory  ID data gaps  Collect additional data, if needed  Analyze data  ID causes and sources  Estimate pollutant loads STEP 3 F INALIZE G OALS AND ID S OLUTIONS  Set goals and management objectives  Develop indicators/targets  Determine load reductions needed  ID critical areas  ID management measures needed Watershed Management Planning Steps 20 Source: EPA 841-B-05-005

21 Center for Watershed Studies STEP 1 B UILD P ARTNERSHIPS  ID stakeholders  ID issues of concern  Set preliminary goals  Develop indicators  Conduct outrea ch STEP 2 C HARACTERIZE W ATERSHED  Gather existing data  Create data inventory  ID data gaps  Collect additional data, if needed  Analyze data  ID causes and sources  Estimate pollutant loads STEP 3 F INALIZE G OALS AND ID S OLUTIONS  Set goals and management objectives  Develop indicators/targets  Determine load reductions needed  ID critical areas  ID management measures needed STEP 4 D ESIGN I MPLEMENTATION P ROGRAM  Develop Implementation schedule  Set Interim milestones  Determine how you will measure success  Develop monitoring component  Develop evaluation process  ID technical and financial assistance needed  Assign responsibility Watershed Management Planning Steps 21 Source: EPA 841-B-05-005

22 Center for Watershed Studies STEP 1 B UILD P ARTNERSHIPS  ID stakeholders  ID issues of concern  Set preliminary goals  Develop indicators  Conduct outrea ch STEP 2 C HARACTERIZE W ATERSHED  Gather existing data  Create data inventory  ID data gaps  Collect additional data, if needed  Analyze data  ID causes and sources  Estimate pollutant loads STEP 3 F INALIZE G OALS AND ID S OLUTIONS  Set goals and management objectives  Develop indicators/targets  Determine load reductions needed  ID critical areas  ID management measures needed STEP 4 D ESIGN I MPLEMENTATION P ROGRAM  Develop Implementation schedule  Set Interim milestones  Determine how you will measure success  Develop monitoring component  Develop evaluation process  ID technical and financial assistance needed  Assign responsibility STEP 5 I MPLEMENT W ATERSHED P LAN  Implement management strategies  Conduct outreach/education  Monitor/assess Watershed Management Planning Steps 22 Source: EPA 841-B-05-005

23 Center for Watershed Studies STEP 1 B UILD P ARTNERSHIPS  ID stakeholders  ID issues of concern  Set preliminary goals  Develop indicators  Conduct outrea ch STEP 2 C HARACTERIZE W ATERSHED  Gather existing data  Create data inventory  ID data gaps  Collect additional data, if needed  Analyze data  ID causes and sources  Estimate pollutant loads STEP 3 F INALIZE G OALS AND ID S OLUTIONS  Set goals and management objectives  Develop indicators/targets  Determine load reductions needed  ID critical areas  ID management measures needed STEP 4 D ESIGN I MPLEMENTATION P ROGRAM  Develop Implementation schedule  Set Interim milestones  Determine how you will measure success  Develop monitoring component  Develop evaluation process  ID technical and financial assistance needed  Assign responsibility STEP 5 I MPLEMENT W ATERSHED P LAN  Implement management strategies  Conduct outreach/education  Monitor/assess STEP 6 M EASURE P ROGRESS AND A DJUST  Review and evaluate information  Share results  Prepare annual plans  Make adjustments to program Source: EPA 841-B-05-005 Watershed Management Planning Steps 23

24 Center for Watershed Studies Thank you 감사합니다 Brian Benham,

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