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Army Discipline Desertion. Todays Lesson You will learn about key words such as desertion and cowardice, morale, and discipline. You will learn about.

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Presentation on theme: "Army Discipline Desertion. Todays Lesson You will learn about key words such as desertion and cowardice, morale, and discipline. You will learn about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Army Discipline Desertion

2 Todays Lesson You will learn about key words such as desertion and cowardice, morale, and discipline. You will learn about the discipline procedures of the British army during WW1 You will understand that the sentences carried out were often controversial

3 Key Words Desertion: To leave or run away from your post without permission from an officer. AWOL (Absent without leave) Cowardice: a lack of bravery, a weakness and feebleness Morale: the spirit of the men, the attitude of the soldiers

4 Discipline In World War One, the executions of 306 British and Commonwealth soldiers took place. Such executions, for crimes such as desertion and cowardice, remain a source of controversy with some believing that many of those executed should be pardoned as they were suffering from shell shock. The executions included 25 Canadians, 22 Irishmen and 5 New Zealanders In World War One, the executions of 306 British and Commonwealth soldiers took place. Such executions, for crimes such as desertion and cowardice, remain a source of controversy with some believing that many of those executed should be pardoned as they were suffering from shell shock. The executions included 25 Canadians, 22 Irishmen and 5 New Zealanders

5 Small scale crimes: being unshaven or untidy or losing kit, not addressing superiors properly Dealt with by superior officers within their own units Punishments included extra exercise as punishment or being confined to a barracks Punishments

6 Moderately serious crimes like drunkenness could carry a fine of 10 shillings Punishments – detentions up to 28 days, forfeit pay up to 28 days; included punishments like a court-martial and sentenced by Commanding Officer Extra guard duty and confinement to camp for 14 days were also included Punishments cont…

7 Serious crimes could be dealt with in civilian court if the man had not been on service i.e. murder or rape other issues included desertion Some punishments include death or penal servitude Punishment cont…

8 Shamefully delivering up a garrison to the enemy Death Shamefully casting away arms in the presence of the enemy Death Misbehaving before the enemy in such a manner as to show cowardice Death Leaving the ranks on pretence of taking wounded men to the rear Penal Servitude Wilfully destroying property without orders Penal Servitude Leaving his CO to go in search of plunder Death Forcing a safeguard Death Forcing a soldier when acting as sentinel Death Doing violence to a person bringing provisions to the forces Death Committing an offence against the person of a resident in the country in which he was serving Death Breaking into a house in search of plunder Death By discharging firearms intentionally occasioning false alarms on the march Death When acting as a sentinel on active service sleeping at his post Death By discharging firearms negligently occasioning false alarms in camp Cashiering or imprisonment Causing a mutiny in the forces, or endeavouring to persuade persons in HM forces to join in a mutiny Death Striking his superior officer Death Offering violence or using threatening language to his superior officer Penal servitude Disobeying in such a manner as to show a wilful defiance of authority, a lawful command given personally by his superior officer Death Disobeying a lawful command given by his superior officer Penal servitude When concerned in a quarrel, refusing to obey an officer who ordered him into arrest Cashiering Striking a person in whose custody he was placed Cashiering or imprisonment Deserting HM service, or attempting to desert Death Fraudulent enlistment First offence imprisonment; second penal servitude Assisting a person subject to military law to desert Imprisonment Behaving in a scandalous manner unbecoming the character of an officer and a gentleman Cashiering When charged with the care of public money, embezzling the same Penal servitude When charged with the care of public goods, misapplying the same (applicable to Quartermasters) Penal servitude Wilfully maiming himself with intent to render himself unfit for service Imprisonment Drunkenness Cashiering or imprisonment Committing the offence of murder Death

9 With no obvious end to the terrible experiences and with the whole issue of trench life being such a drain on morale, it is no wonder that some men cracked under the strain of constant artillery fire, never knowing when you would go over the top and the worry of sniper fire. Senior military commanders would not accept a soldier’s failure to return to the front line as anything other than desertion. They also believed that if such behaviour was not harshly punished, others might be encouraged to do the same and the whole discipline of the British Army would collapse. Majority of men stood trial for desertion from their post, “fleeing in the face of the enemy”. A court martial itself was usually carried out with some speed and the execution followed shortly after. With no obvious end to the terrible experiences and with the whole issue of trench life being such a drain on morale, it is no wonder that some men cracked under the strain of constant artillery fire, never knowing when you would go over the top and the worry of sniper fire. Senior military commanders would not accept a soldier’s failure to return to the front line as anything other than desertion. They also believed that if such behaviour was not harshly punished, others might be encouraged to do the same and the whole discipline of the British Army would collapse. Majority of men stood trial for desertion from their post, “fleeing in the face of the enemy”. A court martial itself was usually carried out with some speed and the execution followed shortly after.

10 Task Completion of the worksheet: – Army discipline and desertion Completion of the worksheet: – Army discipline and desertion

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