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 Punctuation and Accent Marks: You have probably notices that in Spanish, questions begin with an upside-down question mark (¿) and exclamations with.

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Presentation on theme: " Punctuation and Accent Marks: You have probably notices that in Spanish, questions begin with an upside-down question mark (¿) and exclamations with."— Presentation transcript:

1  Punctuation and Accent Marks: You have probably notices that in Spanish, questions begin with an upside-down question mark (¿) and exclamations with an upside-down exclamation point (¡).  This lets you know at the beginning of a sentence what kind of sentence you are reading.  You have probably also noticed the accent mark (el acento) on words like “días” and “estás”.  When you write in Spanish, you must include these accent and punctuation marks.


3  Bailar-to dance  Cantar-to sing  Correr-to run  Dibujar-to draw  Escribir cuentos-to write stories  Jugar videojuegos-to play video games  Leer revistas-to read magazines  Montar en bicicleta-to ride a bicycle

4  Escuchar musica-to listen to music  Esquiar-to ski  Hablar por telefono-to talk on the phone  Ir a la escuela-to go to school  Nadar-to swim  Pasar tiempo con amigos-to spend time with friends  Patinar-to skate  Practicar deportes-to play sports

5  Tocar la guitarra-to play the guitar  Trabajar-to work  Usar la computadora- to use the computer  Montar en monopatin- to skateboard  A mi tambien-me too  (A mi) no me gusta-I don’t like to ___  (A mi) no me gusta nada- I don’t like to ___ at all  A mi tampoco-I don’t like to either

6  Que te gusta hacer- what do you like to do  Que te gusta mas- What do you like better  Ni…ni-neither…nor  Ver la tele-to watch T.V  (A mi) me gusta-I like to  (A mi) me gusta mas-I like to ___ better  (A mi) me gusta mucho – I like to ____ a lot.

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