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 Each team starts with five points. For every round, a team must bet a minimum of one point. They can bet no more beyond that than what they have on.

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Presentation on theme: " Each team starts with five points. For every round, a team must bet a minimum of one point. They can bet no more beyond that than what they have on."— Presentation transcript:



3  Each team starts with five points. For every round, a team must bet a minimum of one point. They can bet no more beyond that than what they have on the board.  Each team starts the game with three cards. Unless noted with a star, cards can only be played during a team’s turn. Cards are designed to either help the team playing it or to hurt another team.  Each team has a captain who sits in the front seat and serves as the team spokesperson.  Being disruptive or violating rules may lead to the Judge erasing points from the board for a team in violation.  Whining and complaining will result in a team being evicted from the game or in the game being stopped altogether. Seriously, don’t start whining. It’s a class review game, dude—not the Super Bowl.  The team with the most points at the end of the last round is the winner. In the case of a tie, a “death match” round will be played. Mr. Tucker hasn’t figured out those rules yet, so if we end up having a death match, he will make it up as we go along…  Each team starts with five points. For every round, a team must bet a minimum of one point. They can bet no more beyond that than what they have on the board.  Each team starts the game with three cards. Unless noted with a star, cards can only be played during a team’s turn. Cards are designed to either help the team playing it or to hurt another team.  Each team has a captain who sits in the front seat and serves as the team spokesperson.  Being disruptive or violating rules may lead to the Judge erasing points from the board for a team in violation.  Whining and complaining will result in a team being evicted from the game or in the game being stopped altogether. Seriously, don’t start whining. It’s a class review game, dude—not the Super Bowl.  The team with the most points at the end of the last round is the winner. In the case of a tie, a “death match” round will be played. Mr. Tucker hasn’t figured out those rules yet, so if we end up having a death match, he will make it up as we go along…

4 A: Widow Douglas Q: Who took in Huckleberry to raise him?

5 A: Judge Thatcher Q: Who was in charge of Huck’s money until he got older?

6 A: $6,000 Q: How much money had Huck put under Judge Thatcher’s watch?

7 A: Samuel Clemens Q: What was Mark Twain’s real name?

8 A: A giant hairball Q: What magical item did Jim possess that could help see into the future?

9 A: He meowed like a cat. Q:What sound did Tom make in the night to get Huck's attention (before the boys met in the cave)?

10 A: With their own blood Q: How did the boys sign the contract Tom had written?

11 A: He wanted Huck’s money Q: Why had Pap returned and wanted his son back?

12 A: Pap would give him “lickins,” especially when he was drunk Q: After being taken away by Pap, Huck said he started liking living with his dad except for what?

13 A: He killed it and smeared its blood around the cabin to look like he had been murdered Q: What did Huck do with a pig before leaving Pap’s cabin?

14 A: Mercury Q: What is “quicksilver”?

15 A: A huge rain and/or a flood Q: Jim sensed that this thing was about to happen, and so he talked Huck into moving into a cave on the island.

16 A: Florida, Missouri Q: Sam Clemens was born in this town and state.

17 A: Because adventure can end in death Q: Why did Jim say he didn’t like adventures?

18 A: Saint Louis Q: Huck never believed this city had so many people until they floated past and saw it all lit up.

19 A: Printer Q: Sam Clemens worked for his older brother as what kind of apprentice?

20 A: That the whole thing was just a dream Jim had Q: After being reunited after being separated and lost in fog, what does Huck convince Jim of?

21 A: Honey Q: What affectionate name did Jim frequently refer to Huck?

22 A: How he tried to thread a needle and/or that he threw like a boy Q: When Huck dressed as a girl, what did the lady say was a giveaway he was a boy?

23 A: From the house that was floating in the river Q: Where had Huck gotten the girl’s clothes he dressed in?

24 A: Ate the enamel off people’s teeth Q: Huck encounters a man of about 30 who had gotten into trouble because the paste he sold did what?

25 A: Why would a runaway slave be traveling south? Q: What argument does Huck use to convince the duke and the king that Jim is not a runaway slave?

26 A: Cairo Q: Name the city that Jim and Huck had been looking for but passed up by mistake.

27 A: International Justice Mission Q: What does IJM stand for?

28 A: Gary Haugen Q: Who is the president of IJM?

29 A: Blue Q: What color do the duke and the king paint Jim?

30 A: M I S S I S S I P P I Q: Correctly spell the river on which much of this novel took place.

31 A: She didn’t shut the door Q: Jim felt bad for smacking his daughter when she wouldn’t do what?

32 A: Hire an abolitionist to steal them Q: What did Jim say he would do if he wasn’t allowed to buy his wife and kids?

33 A: In the house that was floating in the river Q: Where had Jim seen Pap’s body?

34 A: Hawaii Q: What island did Twain visit and then speak of while on a lecture tour?

35 A: Peter Wilks Q: The duke and the king pose as the brothers of what recently deceased man?

36 A: He was deaf and mute Q: What was wrong with William Wilks?

37 A: The hare-lip Q: What had Huck secretly nicknamed Joanna?

38 A: Red Q: What color hair did Mary Jane have?

39 A: The town doctor Q: Who immediately suspects the two con men as frauds and not the Wilks brothers?

40 A: A boiler explosion on the steamboat he worked on Q: How had Twain’s little brother been badly burned/injured, that led to his death?

41 A: They were “rapscallions” Q: What negative term did Huck and Jim use to refer to the con men?

42 A: Mary Jane Q: Huck gets a bit of a crush on which girl?

43 A: In the coffin Q: Where did Huck hide the money?

44 A: To verify what his tattoo was Q: Why was the coffin of Peter Wilks dug up?

45 A: England Q: Harvey Wilks had been living in what country?

46 A: A light Q: While escaping town, what did Huck see in the upstairs window of the Wilks house that reminded him of Mary Jane?

47 A: Drinking alcohol Q: “Temperance” refers to the movement designed to abolish what?

48 A: Helped a slave escape Q: Huck felt like the mess he was in was God’s punishment for him having done what?

49 A: He was going to hell Q: In tearing up the letter to Miss Watson, Huck accepted what fate for himself?

50 A: Tom Sawyer Q: Sally Phelps mistakes Huck for what person?

51 A: They were tarred and feathered Q: Huck and Tom witness the duke and the king being run out of town. What else had been done to the two con men?

52 A: 12 feet deep Q: On a riverboat, the term “mark twain” literally meant that the water was how many feet deep?

53 A: It was too simple Q: What was Tom’s complaint about Huckleberry’s plan to free Jim?

54 A: A witch pie Q: What kind of pie did Huck and Tom decide to bake?

55 A: A rope ladder Q: What was supposed to be in the pie that would help in Jim’s escape?

56 A: He helped the wounded Tom get to a doctor Q: During the escape, what decision did Jim make that would lead to his recapture?

57 A: In the back Q: Where had Pap been shot?

58 A: A spider Q: What animal did Huck kill in the first of the novel that he was certain led to his bad luck?

59 A: St. Petersburg Q: What is the name of the town where Huck, Jim, and Tom live at the novel’s opening?

60 A: Halley’s Comet could be seen Q: What natural phenomenon took place at Twain’s birth and death years?

61 A: Langhorne Q: What was Samuel Clemens’ middle name?

62 A: She was going to sell him down the river Q: Why did Jim decide to run away from Miss Watson?

63 A: Q:

64 A: Q:

65 A: Q:

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