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Ali Alkuwari Patrick SwannJad FarahMarcus SchafferKorhan Demirkaya Long QuyDenden TekesteNgoc MaiSteven Weaver.

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Presentation on theme: "Ali Alkuwari Patrick SwannJad FarahMarcus SchafferKorhan Demirkaya Long QuyDenden TekesteNgoc MaiSteven Weaver."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ali Alkuwari Patrick SwannJad FarahMarcus SchafferKorhan Demirkaya Long QuyDenden TekesteNgoc MaiSteven Weaver

2 Project Description Design and Build an Autonomous Robot Robot must successfully navigate around a predetermined course Robot must pass through selected beacons

3 Project Requirements Detect beacons within 15 - 25 feet Fits within a 16”x16”x16” cube Has a clearly labeled emergency stop switch

4 Yertle’s Journey

5 Flow Chart

6 HOW WAS THIS ACHIEVED  Navigation ◦ Beagleboard ◦ AVR microcontroller ◦ Ultrasonic Sensors ◦ Flex Sensors ◦ Compass ◦ GPS  Locomotion ◦ AVR microcontroller ◦ H-Bridge ◦ Wheel Encoders ◦ Power Supply


8 Block Diagram: Navigation

9 Graph of course Destination Points are put into the code. 14 x = [125, 256, 294, 85, 85, 80, 75, 75, 60, 60, 16, 16, 8, 8, 48, 48, 10, 10, 44, 10, 33] 15 y = [170, 170, 66, 66, 55, 50, 50, 42, 42, 10, 10, 87, 87, 120, 127, 135, 135, 140, 150, 152, 167] Dead Reckoning and Compass to calculate current position 20 delta_x = math.sin(compass) * feet traveled from last waypoint 23 delta_y = math.cos(compass) * feet traveled from last waypoint Compass direction computed: 9 distance = calcDistance(pt1, pt2) 11 diff = pt2[1] - pt1[1]] 16 return math.asin(diff/distance) Path Finding

10 Beacon Finding

11 Object Avoidance Robot instructed to go to point A to BCalculate trajectory from interpreted data from sensors Rotate robot to avoid collisions. Calculate new path Robot avoids collision with new path recognition Actual Device EZ1Flex Sensors


13 Block Diagram: Locomotion

14 Motor Control : H-Bridge

15 Motor Control : Wheel Encoders Hardware : Wheel Encoders, H- Bridge, dedicated micro controller Software : Speed / PID Control Multiple speeds 1kHz –slowest speed ≈ 0.8 feet/second 3kHz –fastest speed ≈ 2.5 feet/second


17 Overall System: Block Diagram

18 HBridge + Voltage Regulator  Wheel Encoder Sensors: Beacon, Ultrasonic, & Flex PCB Design




22 Daughter Board

23 Final Robot

24 Budget Beagle Board $150 Batteries $115 AVRs$105 Sensors$78 GPS $50

25 Milestones Turtle’s Body 4/5 AVR Code Complete 4/10 Beagleboard & AVR communicate together 4/12 PCB complete 4/28 Parts Mounted 4/30 Robot assembled 5/2

26 Website


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