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Your Name Harold Hernandez Advanced Ecology Essex Street Academy Carbon Dioxide VS Water Vapor WHICH IS STRONGER ?

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Presentation on theme: "Your Name Harold Hernandez Advanced Ecology Essex Street Academy Carbon Dioxide VS Water Vapor WHICH IS STRONGER ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Name Harold Hernandez Advanced Ecology Essex Street Academy Carbon Dioxide VS Water Vapor WHICH IS STRONGER ?

2 Many communities depend on polar bears, walrus, seals, seabirds, and other marine animals. Changes in the numbers of Arctic animals and birds may greatly affect the way of life for many northern communities. Did You Know ?

3 Impact of Global Warming –Increased risk of disease. –Increased precipitation, which will carry pollution from the south. –Increase competition between species –Increased human activity, which will affect previously untouched areas. In addition to loss of habitat and feeding grounds, climate change poses other threats to Arctic marine mammals and some seabirds:habitatclimate change

4 Greenhouse Gasses That Contribute to Global Warming Nitrous Oxide Carbon Dioxide Methane Ozone From wikipedia (Cited from Raupach, M.R. et al. (2007). “Global and regional drivers of accelerating CO2 emissions”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 104 (24): 10288–93. doi:10.1073/pnas.0700609104. PMID 17519334. PMC 1876160):“Global and regional drivers of accelerating CO2 emissions”doi10.1073/pnas.070060910417519334 PMC1876160

5 Wait ! There is One More… Water vapor contributes from 36% to 66% of the world’s greenhouse effect. It’s also the most abundant greenhouse gas!

6 The Aim Of My Experiment Which Greenhouse Gas Has the Most Influence on Temperature Retention? VS

7 Hypothesis Research shows that H2O is responsible for climate change, and that one third of global warming in the 1990’s was due to increasing water vapor. Therefore I predict that water vapor would produce a higher temperature than co2.

8 Materials Air Pump Cold Water (500 ML) Two 2L Soda Bottles one hole rubber stopper Rubber tubing slide projector matches Tape

9 Variables Independent variables: The type of gas put into the bottles (Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide) Dependent variable: The temperature of the air inside of the bottle. Constants: Two 2-Liter soda bottles, 500ML distilled water in each soda bottle, thermometer, projector, tape Control: No True Control (Comparison Experiment) *** The dependent variable depends on the outcome of the independent variable.

10 Procedure Safety Steps 1.Step 1: Make sure to clean workspace and materials to prevent infection or transfection. 2.Step 2: Light match with adult supervision. 3.Step 3: Wear goggles just incase the rubber stopper shoots toward your face.

11 Data TestStarting Temperature Ending Temperature Difference In Temperature Additional Observations Water Vapor and O2 (Tire pump) 67 degrees C703 degreesNot sure how much O we put in the bottle but we saw the bottle expand. The bottle expanded because of all the gas inside of it. Water Vapor and CO2 (350cc) 67 degrees C692 degreesThe water vapor and co2 created a cloud Water Vapor and CO2 (700cc) 67 degrees C703 degreesMore bubbles than the other two tests. However, the cloud appeared to be the same as the first one. The bottle expanded because of all the gas inside of it.

12 Results Initially the water vapor caused a three degree change in temperature; starting at 67 degrees F and ending at 70 degrees F. One tablet of Co2 (350cc’s) created a 2 degree change in temperature; resulting in a temperature change from 67 degrees F to 69 degrees F. Two tablets of Co2 had a 3 degree change with larger bubbles.

13 Was My Hypothesis Correct? Looks like my job won’t be over anytime soon YES !!! My results supported my hypothesis, however, there were still several sources of error that must be alleviated to render data that is more reliable

14 Thermometer Number of pumps done for experiment Accurate measure of the oxygen used Sources Of Error

15 Future Experiment A great follow-up experiment would be to examine how temperature and wind effects evaporation, and how this relates to current problems in the water cycle and global warming as a whole.

16 Works Cited "Dangerous Levels of H20 Causing Global Warming » First Thoughts | A First Things Blog." Home | First Things. Web. 10 Jan. 2011.. "Greenhouse Gases And Water Vapor: When 'Positive Feedback' Is A Bad Thing." Science 2.0 - ® The World's Best Scientists, the Internet's Smartest Readers. Web. 10 Jan. 2011.. "Infrared, Gases and the Greenhouse Effect - Succeed in Understanding Physics: School for Champions." School for Champions: Online Lessons for Those Seeking Success. Web. 10 Jan. 2011.. "Is Global Warming a Hoax?" Environmental Issues - News and Information about the Environment. Web. 10 Jan. 2011.. "What Is Infrared Radiation?" WiseGEEK: Clear Answers for Common Questions. Web. 10 Jan. 2011..

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