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Doc.: IEEE P802.11-07/1984r0 Submission June 2007 Donald Eastlake 3rd, MotorolaSlide 1 June 2007 Mesh Ad Hoc Agenda Date: 2007-06-11 Authors: NameAddressCompanyPhoneEmail.

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.: IEEE P802.11-07/1984r0 Submission June 2007 Donald Eastlake 3rd, MotorolaSlide 1 June 2007 Mesh Ad Hoc Agenda Date: 2007-06-11 Authors: NameAddressCompanyPhoneEmail."— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.: IEEE P802.11-07/1984r0 Submission June 2007 Donald Eastlake 3rd, MotorolaSlide 1 June 2007 Mesh Ad Hoc Agenda Date: 2007-06-11 Authors: NameAddressCompanyPhoneEmail W. Steven Conner 2111 NE 25 th Ave, M/S JF3-206, Hillsboro, OR 97124 Intel Corp. +1-503-264-8036 Donald Eastlake 3 rd 111 Locke Drive, Marlborough, MA 01752 USA Motorola+1-508-786-7554

2 doc.: IEEE P802.11-07/1984r0 Submission June 2007 Donald Eastlake 3rd, MotorolaSlide 2 IEEE 802.11: ESS Mesh Networking Task Group Hillsboro, Oregon June 2007 Temporary Chair: W. Steven Conner, Intel Chair: Donald E. Eastlake 3 rd, Motorola

3 doc.: IEEE P802.11-07/1984r0 Submission June 2007 Donald Eastlake 3rd, MotorolaSlide 3 Wednesday, 13 June 2007 10:00 - ? Call meeting to Order –W. Steven Conner temporary chair as appointed by Stuart Kerry Selection of Temporary Secretary for ad hoc meeting –tbd Manual Attendance Reminder Miscellaneous Announcements Review of IEEE 802 and 802.11 Policies and Procedures on Intellectual Property, Inappropriate Topics, Etc. Agenda Approved by Unanimous Consent … Recess for lunch … Recess until Thursday morning

4 doc.: IEEE P802.11-07/1984r0 Submission June 2007 Donald Eastlake 3rd, MotorolaSlide 4 Miscellaneous Announcements Warning: Do not leave your laptops unattended! –The meeting is not responsible for your unwatched stuff. Wear your badge at all times in the meeting area! Individual membership –In all IEEE standards meetings, membership is by individual, hence you do not represent a company or organization. Photographs and Recordings –No sound recordings are permitted at 802.11 WG or TG meetings. –No photographs allowed without WG Chair permission. Media – Press and Analyst briefings –Only the 802.11/.15/.18/.19/.22 WG Chair and WG Vice-Chairs are allowed to give verbal statements/interviews to the media on behalf of their respective IEEE working groups

5 doc.: IEEE P802.11-07/1984r0 Submission June 2007 Donald Eastlake 3rd, MotorolaSlide 5 Important Stuff Note the links from the items in RED in the left column of all pages of the working group meeting agenda. –Affiliation Frequently Asked Questions: –Anti-Trust: –IEEE Ethics: –Letter of Assurance Form: –IEEE Patent Committee: –IEEE Patent Policy: –Patent FAQ:

6 doc.: IEEE P802.11-07/1984r0 Submission June 2007 Donald Eastlake 3rd, MotorolaSlide 6 Member Affiliation It is defined in the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws, as: “An individual is deemed “affiliated” with any individual or entity that has been, or will be, financially or materially supporting that individual’s participation in a particular IEEE standards activity. This includes, but is not limited to, his or her employer and any individual or entity that has or will have, either directly or indirectly, requested, paid for, or otherwise sponsored his or her participation.

7 doc.: IEEE P802.11-07/1984r0 Submission June 2007 Donald Eastlake 3rd, MotorolaSlide 7 Declaration of Affiliation Revision: Feb 2006 Standards Board Bylaw – Openness Openness is defined as the quality of being not restricted to a particular type or category of participants. All meetings involving standards development an all IEEE Sponsor ballots shall be open to all interested parties. Each individual participant in IEEE Standards activities shall disclose his or her affiliations when requested. A person who knows or reasonably should know, that a participant’s disclosure is materially incomplete or incorrect should report that fact to the Secretary of the IEEE-SA Standards Board and the appropriate Sponsors.

8 doc.: IEEE P802.11-07/1984r0 Submission June 2007 Donald Eastlake 3rd, MotorolaSlide 8 Affiliation Policy Requirement to declare affiliation at all standards development meetings and recorded in the minutes –Affiliation not necessarily same as employer –Declaration requirement may be familiar to some 802 WGs, though WG declaration process may evolve 11. What if I refuse to disclose my affiliation? –As outlined in IEEE-SA governance documents, you will lose certain rights. In a working group where voting rights are gained through attendance, no attendance credit will be granted if affiliation isn’t declared. Similarly, voting rights are to be removed if affiliation isn’t declared. Affiliation declaration will be added to Sponsor ballot

9 doc.: IEEE P802.11-07/1984r0 Submission June 2007 Donald Eastlake 3rd, MotorolaSlide 9 Thursday, 14 June 2007 ?-? Patent policy and manual attendance reminder Recess for lunch Recess until Friday morning

10 doc.: IEEE P802.11-07/1984r0 Submission June 2007 Donald Eastlake 3rd, MotorolaSlide 10 Friday, 15 June 2007 ?-16:00 Patent policy and manual attendance reminder Past teleconferences in current series –23 May (no specific topic) –30 May – Frame Formats –6 June – Cancelled Topics for upcoming teleconferences: –20 June –27 June –4 July ?? (USA Holiday) –11 July –(San Francisco 802.11 meeting 15-20 July) –25 July (during IETF Chicago Meeting) Adjourn

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