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Korea After WWII, Korea was divided at the 38 th parallel U.S. pulled its forces out of Korea & the Soviets Soviets supplied N. Korea with weapons and.

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Presentation on theme: "Korea After WWII, Korea was divided at the 38 th parallel U.S. pulled its forces out of Korea & the Soviets Soviets supplied N. Korea with weapons and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Korea After WWII, Korea was divided at the 38 th parallel U.S. pulled its forces out of Korea & the Soviets Soviets supplied N. Korea with weapons and supplies June 25, 1950 N. Korea attacks S. Korea Truman felt that this was the same method that Hitler used in WWII

2 Standoff at the 38 th Parallel Truman asks the UN to intervene Soviets not there to vote to protest admission of Nationalist China 15 Nations under Douglas MacArthur to protect S. Korea By September 1950, N. Korea controlled most of the Korean peninsula MacArthur launches a surprise attack at Inchon (half of the N. Koreans surrender)

3 Korean Conflict By November, the UN pushed across the 38 th parallel China sends 300,000 troops in October 1950 With help from China, the N. Koreans push the UN forces back to S. Korea MacArthur calls for nuclear attack on China Truman removes MacArthur stating MacArthur ideas were reckless







10 MIG 15

11 F-86 Sabre Jet

12 Korean Conflict Ends UN drives the N. Koreans back out of Seoul July 1953 both sides sign a cease-fire agreement Border set at the 38 th parallel Demilitarized zone still exists today N. Korea has developed nuclear weapons but struggles economically U.S. keeps troops in S. Korea for protection S. Korea continues to develop with foreign trade







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