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Stage 16 Pluperfect Tense Latin II Week 10 Day 1 Spring 2009.

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1 Stage 16 Pluperfect Tense Latin II Week 10 Day 1 Spring 2009

2 The pluperfect tense is a past tense. It is a verb that takes place in the past BEFORE another past action: two past actions, one takes place before the other

3 For Example: Quintus had escaped from Pompeii before Mt. Vesuvius was able to destroy him. had escaped = pluperfect was able = imperfect

4 For Example: The Cantiaci ship sank beneath the waves because Belimicus had ignored the rocks hidden under the sea. had ignored = pluperfect sank= perfect

5 Both actions took place in the past. However, one action took place before the other action. The pluperfect tense is always the earlier of the two actions.

6 To form the pluperfect tense in Latin, you must:

7 Look at the 4 principle parts of a particular verb: ago, agere, egi, actus sum, esse, fui, futurus

8 1. Take the 3 rd principle part of the verb: ie. egi ie. fui 2. Remove the –i at the end of the word

9 Now add the Pluperfect Endings: -eram -eras -erat -eramus -eratis -erant

10 For example: eg + eram eg + eras eg + erat eg + eramus eg + eratis eg + erant

11 Translation: egeram - I had done egeras - you had done egerat - he had done egeramus - we had done egeratis - you all had done egerant - they had done

12 For example: fu + eram fu + eras fu + erat fu + eramus fu + eratis fu + erant

13 Translation: fueram - I had been fueras - you had been fuerat - he had been fueramus - we had been fueratis - you all had been fuerant - they had been

14 Conjugate into the pluperfect tense: pono, ponere, posui tollo, tollere, sustuli derideo, deridere, derisi navigo, navigare, navigavi

15 posueram posueras posuerat posueramus posueratis posuerant

16 posueram – I had placed posueras – you had placed posuerat – he had placed posueramus – we had placed posueratis – you all had placed posuerant – they had placed

17 sustuleram sustuleras sustulerat sustuleramus sustuleratis sustulerant

18 sustuleram – I had raised sustuleras – you had raised sustulerat – he had raised sustuleramus – we had raised sustuleratis – you all had raised sustulerant – they had raised

19 deriseram deriseras deriserat deriseramus deriseratis deriserant

20 deriseram – I had mocked deriseras – you had mocked deriserat – he had mocked deriseramus – we had mocked deriseratis – you all had mocked deriserant – they had mocked

21 navigaveram navigaveras navigaverat navigaveramus navigaveratis navigaverant

22 navigaveram – I had sailed navigaveras – you had sailed navigaverat – he had sailed navigaveramus – we had sailed navigaveratis – you all had sailed navigaverant – they had sailed

23 Now conjugate the following: pereo, perire, perii punio, punire, punivi verto, vertere, verti aedifico, aedificare, aedificavi consentio, consentire, consensi delecto, delectare, delectavi dimitto, dimittere, dimisi effugio, effugere, effugi


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