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Grouping Animals Li-We are learning about the main groups of animals Sc-We are able to successfully group animals.

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Presentation on theme: "Grouping Animals Li-We are learning about the main groups of animals Sc-We are able to successfully group animals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grouping Animals Li-We are learning about the main groups of animals Sc-We are able to successfully group animals.

2 What is a Reptile? A reptile is an animal that has dry, rough, scaly skin. It has lungs for breathing. A reptile is clod-blooded and has a backbone. Most reptiles hatch from eggs.

3 What is a Mammal? A mammal is an animal whose babies are fed with milk from the mother’s body. It has a back bone and a well-developed brain. A mammal has fur or hair. It is warm blooded.

4 What is a Bird? A bird is an animal that has feathers. It is warm blooded, hatches from an egg, and has a back bone. It has a beak, two legs, and two wings.

5 What is a fish? A fish is an animal that lives in water and breaths through gills. It has aback bone. Most fish have fins, are covered with scales, and are cold- blooded.

6 What is an Insect? An insect is a small animal with six legs. Its body is divided into three main parts 1.Head 2.Thorax 3.Abdomen. 4.An insect has a hard outer covering called an exoskeleton. Most insects have wings and a pair of antennae.

7 What is an Amphibian? An amphibian is an animal that usually lives part of its life in water and part of its life on land. It is cold-blooded and has a back bone. Most amphibians have smooth, moist skin and no scales.

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