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COSMIC and Land Data Assimilation Rafael Rosolem COSMOS 3 rd Workshop December 11, 2012 W. J. Shuttleworth 1, M. Zreda 1, A. Arellano 1, X. Zeng 1, T.

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Presentation on theme: "COSMIC and Land Data Assimilation Rafael Rosolem COSMOS 3 rd Workshop December 11, 2012 W. J. Shuttleworth 1, M. Zreda 1, A. Arellano 1, X. Zeng 1, T."— Presentation transcript:

1 COSMIC and Land Data Assimilation Rafael Rosolem COSMOS 3 rd Workshop December 11, 2012 W. J. Shuttleworth 1, M. Zreda 1, A. Arellano 1, X. Zeng 1, T. Hoar 2, J. Anderson 2, T. Franz 1, S. A. K. Papuga 1, Z. M. S. Mejia 1, M. Barlage 2, J. S. Halasz 1 1 1 University of Arizona 2 National Center for Atmospheric Research

2 2

3 Why do we need a forward operator for COSMOS? 3  “Effective” measurement depth depends on soil moisture  Can reach several individual layers of a typical land surface model Therefore, direct assimilation of neutron intensity is more desirable!!!

4 Land Surface Model (LSM) Modeled Soil Moisture Profile Requires an accurate model to interpret modeled soil moisture profiles in terms of the above- ground fast neutron count GOAL to update LSM soil moisture profiles by assimilating the cosmic-ray fast neutron count 4 Monte Carlo Neutron Particle model (MCNPx) does that but it is too slow for use in data assimilation Data Assimilation of Neutron Counts

5 COSMIC is a simple analytic model which:  captures the essential below-ground physics that MCNPX represents  can be calibrated by optimization against MCNPX so that the nuclear collision physics is re-captured in parametric form Exponential reduction in the number of high energy neutrons with depth Isotropic creation of fast neutrons from high energy neutrons at level “z” z Exponential reduction in the number of the fast neutrons created at level “z” before their surface measurement high energy neutronsfast neutrons NeNe z 5 COsmic-ray Soil Moisture Interaction Code (COSMIC)

6 The resulting analytic function that describes the total number of fast neutrons reaching measurement point is: Two parameters measured in situ (soil bulk density and lattice water) and six to be defined:  L 1, L 2 and L 4 are site-independent and are easily determined from MCNPX L 1 = 162.0 g cm -2 L 2 = 129.1 g cm -2 L 4 = 3.16 g cm -2  N,  and L 3 require multi-parameter optimization against site specific- specific runs of MCNPX for a range of hypothetical soil moisture profiles A few meters will do! Exponential reduction in the number of high energy neutrons with depth Isotropic creation of fast neutrons from high energy neutrons at “z” Exponential reduction in the number of the fast neutrons created at level “z” before their surface measurement 6 COsmic-ray Soil Moisture Interaction Code (COSMIC)

7 7 Fort Peck Bondville Chestnut Ridge Santa Rita Coastal Sage Calibrating COSMIC Hypothetical soil water profiles

8 8 Output Data Input Data

9 9 Output Data Input Data

10 10 Output Data Input Data

11 11 Output Data Input Data

12 12 Output Data Input Data

13 13 Output Data Input Data

14 14 Output Data Input Data

15 15 Output Data Input Data

16 16 Output Data Input Data

17 17 Output Data Input Data

18 18 Output Data Input Data

19 19 Output Data Input Data

20 20 Output Data Input Data

21 21 Output Data Input Data

22 22 Output Data Input Data

23 23 Output Data Input Data

24 24 Output Data Input Data

25 25 Output Data Input Data

26 26 Output Data Input Data

27 27 Output Data Input Data

28 28 Output Data Input Data

29 29 Output Data Input Data

30 30 COSMIC Effective Depth

31 Using COSMIC to estimate COSMOS counts from measured soil moisture profiles (TDT sensors) 31 COSMIC Performance at Santa Rita (AZ) Running time for a single soil moisture profile MCNPx ~ 30-60 minutes COSMIC ~ 0.5 seconds

32 32 COSMIC COSMOS Data Assimilation Framework

33 33

34 34

35 35 Soil Moisture Dynamics  40 ensembles with perturbed forcing data (Santa Rita, AZ): 2010-07-28_00Z through 2010-08-23_23Z (x-axis  hour timesteps)  No assimilation!!!  member runs are unconstrained!!!  “Damped” process  driven by (rainfall) pulses

36 36 Data Assimilation Results: Santa Rita (AZ) R 2 = 0.97, RMSE = 48 cph, BIAS = -26 cph R 2 = 0.84, RMSE = 840 cph, BIAS = -832 cph  40 ensembles: 2011-07-03_00Z through 2011-09- 14_23Z  With and without assimilation of observed COSMOS neutron counts

37 37 NOAH Δ z 1 NOAH Δ z 2 NOAH Δ z 1 NOAH Δ z 2 Updated Soil Moisture Profiles No Assimilation Assimilated TDT (independent) measurements

38 38 Integrated (depth-weighted) Soil Moisture

39 39

40 40 Low Spread and Negative Soil Moisture

41 41 Surface Energy Fluxes

42 42 Problems to be solved  Reduced ensemble spread at lower soil moisture  test other filter types  test different inflation parameters  log-transform: initial tests = simulation crashes  assimilation of multiple observations (e.g., SMOS)  adopt a minimum soil moisture threshold in DART but add small noise when updating variables (to ensure individual ensemble members won’t converge to minimum allowed)  Calibrate key soil moisture/surface flux parameters in Noah (currently working on that) DART

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