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MD377 Schottky diagnostic M. Wendt, M. Betz, T. Lefevre.

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Presentation on theme: "MD377 Schottky diagnostic M. Wendt, M. Betz, T. Lefevre."— Presentation transcript:

1 MD377 Schottky diagnostic M. Wendt, M. Betz, T. Lefevre

2 Overview Merit Assessing the capability of the Schottky monitors to measure tune, chromaticity and emittance Beam Single Bunch (1.1E11) / Pilot at Injection energy The Schedule 3:00Chroma scan on B2V with a Pilot (2.1E9 ), 4 reference points 3:50Chroma scan on B1H with Nominal (1.2E11), 3 reference points 5:10New fill with 1 pilot and 1 nominal B1 and B2 5:15Emittance blow up on B1H, 4 set-points 5:46Emittance blow up on B2V, 4 set-points 6:05Beam dump Note B2V is equipped with modified frontend electronics which still has problems with gating on 25 ns trains

3 B2V data, (pilot bunch) Distance between peaks = Synchrotron frequency w HIGH w LOW ΔfΔf How to get Δf, W LOW and W HIGH ? Gaussian curve fit How to deal with the Synchrotron peaks and the Coherent / Incoherent part of the signal? Strong `Smoothing` Coherent tr. signal Incoherent tr. signal

4 Schottky Tune vs. BBQ Tune B1H (nominal) Top Schottky noise fine-structure (Synchrotron lines) Bottom Schottky Tune result of many curve-fits BBQ Tune from Timber Tune drift RF modulation fsfs

5 Schottky Chroma vs. RF Modulation Chroma B1H (nominal) Width of Schottky sidebands varies visibly Schottky Chroma result of many curve-fits Ref. meas. Chroma from RF modulation Chroma. setpoints 2.4 9.8 15 Time Modulation method BUT: ‘Smoothing’ Parameter α = 0.004 very critical and had to be fine-tuned by hand!

6 Chroma fit: Needs a lot of fine-tuning Fitting results depend very much on the ‘Smoothing’ Parameter α Fitting algorithm needs more work … Modulation method α = normalized cut-off frequency of smoothing filter α = 0.004 α = 0.010 (no smoothing)

7 Emittance B1H (nominal) From 5:14 – 5:35 the emittance was changed by blowing the beam up with the transverse damper Note the bunch intensity also changed slightly from ~ 1.28E11 to ~ 1.26E11 Emittance from wire scanner Integrated linear Schottky sideband power 2 μm rad 1758 5 μm rad 1778 Linear Scale ! But the relationship needs investigation The power of the Schottky sideband changes visibly with Emittance

8 Conclusion Proton Schottky signals at Injection are Ok Tune and Chroma information was validated at the MD ≈ 2 min avg. time for one data-point Software (data extraction) problems Current fitting algorithm requires parameter fine-tuning  Needs a lot more work! Emittance measurement  Algorithm not yet investigated Hardware (instrument) problems 25 ns trains saturate the system, especially at Flat top!  Even when gating on a single bunch  Technical problems with single bunch gating (Reflections) At Flat top the Schottky sidebands become very narrow and small  Difficult to curve-fit

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