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Lucy-Jane Attrill Communications Manager, Suzanne Lee Artistic Director, all

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Presentation on theme: "Lucy-Jane Attrill Communications Manager, Suzanne Lee Artistic Director, all"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lucy-Jane Attrill Communications Manager, Artswork @artsworkLtd Suzanne Lee Artistic Director, all change @allchangearts

2 “In exploring how to respond to the online lives of children and young people, safety must sit alongside, and be integrated with, a broader range of considerations, including promoting positive uptake of online opportunities, promoting skills relevant to a digital economy, and encouraging the development of accessible, democratic online spaces in which rights to both play and participation, amongst others, can be realised” Davies et al, 2011

3 Most children and young people do not readily distinguish between the online and the offline but regard digital spaces as just another setting in which they carry out their lives

4 Around 25% of 8-15 year olds with a social networking profile have it set to open, either to anyone or to friends and their friends 41% of 12-15 year olds have a smartphone and around half use it for social networking on a weekly basis 45% of 12-15 year olds claim to understand how search engines operate but one third say they think all search engine information is truthful Source: Ofcom

5 Empowerment is as vital to positive, effective use of digital media as safety is. Without feeling empowered to participate and exercise rights, children can neither take advantage of the opportunities digital media afford nor develop resiliency when facing risks. They must be encouraged to think critically and develop their own language, views, strategies, associations and interests as users of connected digital media.


7 Example: Youth Theatre Has their safeguarding policy and a social media plan, but the two policies don’t reference or interlock with each other The photographer they book for the Youth Theatre show doesn’t have a policy and isn’t included in the thought process of either policy in a digital media way. All the youth theatre members become friends with him so they can access the photos of the production. What is the position of the young people and their families, contracted freelancer and the youth theatre?

8 Once content is out on the web it is hard to delete Images of social connections map………. It is the World Wide Web!

9 Ideas for your social media safeguarding doc People – think about the lives your work connects with Your team Young people [participants/audience] their peers and family Sub-contractors Volunteers

10 Technical literacy being able to successfully navigate technologies with technical skills Media literacy understanding the opportunities new technologies can open up; working knowledge of available platforms; capacity to make judgments about the quality and reliability of online sources Social literacy an understanding of the social norms that apply in online settings

11 “Technology is not simply good or bad. It is how you use it. That is the point that we should reflect on” Source: Children’s rights in the Digital Age


13 Contract of Responsibility and Rights a document that simply outlines your digital safeguarding including things like Tone Content Conduct

14 “We have to concern ourselves with listening to children. We [need to] see [their] perspectives, and those of the practitioner or researcher, as not in competition but standing together in the construction of dialogues, in which there is mutual respect, active participation and the negotiation and co-construction of meaning. Listening to children and encouraging their participation in research, evaluation, decision making and planning is important for many reasons [including] empowering children as learners, enabling them to make choices, express their ideas and opinions and develop a positive sense of self [and] the benefits of their participation to society as a whole and for the development of citizenship.” Pascal & Bertram, 2009: 245

15 Useful documents Children’s Rights in the digital Age Young People and Social networking networking-A.pdf networking-A.pdf Advice on child internet safety 1.0 00004-2012.pdf 00004-2012.pdf A safer child on the internet tions/eOrderingDownload/DCSF-00334-2008.pdf tions/eOrderingDownload/DCSF-00334-2008.pdf Lucy-Jane Attrill Artswork Communications Manager @artsworkLtd Suzanne Lee Artistic Director, all change @allchangearts

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