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Why how we raise our food matters.  QUIZ!!  Take out the CQ Researcher Reading and a pen/pencil  Everything else needs to be put away!

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Presentation on theme: "Why how we raise our food matters.  QUIZ!!  Take out the CQ Researcher Reading and a pen/pencil  Everything else needs to be put away!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why how we raise our food matters

2  QUIZ!!  Take out the CQ Researcher Reading and a pen/pencil  Everything else needs to be put away!

3 

4  From Jan 1. – Oct. 14 2002, 49 MILLION Lbs of meat was voluntarily recalled by the industry due to contamination with disease  Approx. 30% of poultry products carry Salmonella  15% of beef carcasses carry bacterial infections  Food Borne Illnesses account for 76 million cases a year and approximately 325,000 hospitalizations.

5  Found in the intestines of most animals ◦ Is beneficial to humans, but not all variations are good  Variations of the bacteria however can cause severe kidney issues ◦ E. Coli O157  Survives Freezing  Requires cooking to kill this bacteria  Again putting the responsibility of the consumer to make sure their meat is safe to eat  E. Coli O157 has been found in 63% of cattle feedlots that have been tested

6  E. Coli contamination that is found on vegetables is most likely caused by fertilization with contaminated cow manure

7  According to Professor Hugh Pennington ◦ "It is vital that farmers are made fully aware of their responsibility to send animals to slaughter in a clean condition“  Do you agree with this? If proper cooking and handling by the consumer can avoid illness should the farmers be responsible?

8  Large Industrial producers claim that outdoor access increases the cases of Salmonella ◦ Research does not support these claims.  It does support that enclosed and overcrowded housing causes an increase in disease spread and transmission  Use of antibiotics in chicken feed may have lead to antibiotic resistant Salmonella

9  Increased stress and breeding focused on production have caused most poultry in industrial farming to have weakened immune systems.  “the doubling of salmonellosis incidence in the last two decades has accompanied modern food industries’ centralized production and large-scale distribution…”

10  According to Robert Hadad, Director of Farming Systems: ◦ Salmonella is a known problem in this country and the burden is put on the consumer to handle and cook meat properly since it must be considered as contaminated.  Is this ok? Should the industry expect only the consumer to take on this burden?

11  According to the industry in a report published in 1990 : ◦ 90% of poultry feed is supplemented with antibiotics ◦ 60% of pig feed is supplemented with antibiotics  Why is this a problem? Turn and talk to your partner. Are there any issues with giving too much antibiotic? What are they?

12  According to the WHO more than half of the antibiotics developed in the world are being used in the animal industry  This has resulted in both E. Coli and Salmonella to develop antibiotic resistant strains

13  The antibiotic typically used in animal feed is related to the antibiotic used in humans as a “last resort”. This human version is becoming less and less effective in times of need.

14  "It is therefore interesting that in this study V-resistant E. faecium were isolated from a selection of farm animals and the carcasses of uncooked chickens. Hence VRE, may be entering the community via the foodchain“  Discuss with your partner. What do you think this means? Is this acceptable to be happening? How do you feel knowing this information?

15  Read the handout and respond to this question: ◦ From what we learned and discussed in class; and from the reading you just completed, why is it important to take Animal Welfare into consideration when raising livestock? ◦ What risks do we face if we continue on a path that does not look at Animal Welfare?

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