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Starring!!!! Wait!!! Where’d the music go? Uh oh!

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3 Starring!!!!


5 Wait!!! Where’d the music go? Uh oh!

6 Dance Party!!!!

7 Look! Here are our contestants running for one million dollars! If they touch the finish line first without getting hit with an arrow, they will receive our grand prize!



10 Aha!! You’re NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!! OOOH!!! This is my song! Listen… HEY!!!! Wait up!!

11 Honey, do you hear something ? Like what? Catchy! Totally ! I agree! Has any body seen a guy with a radio? Did you just hear something quack? I swear I have no idea what you’re talking about. What was that? Oh forget it! I’ll find him myself!


13 Who is that guy??? That guy looks familiar … No way!

14 This is jetfighter Screamin’ Guy reporting…over. Wait, what do you mean a missile is coming up from the rear? OH NO!!!!!!!! Help! HELP ME!! I’M HIT!! I’M HIT!!! AAAAAAH! NOW I’M SCARED OF PLANES!!! Well, that’s it for me! Good aim Chuckie! And thanks to Missile man, that guy is gone for good!!


16 That’s not nice!

17 CREDITS Created by Blu Jay Animations by Blu Jay Sounds by Blu Jay CHARACTERS Starring: Chuck Duck Chuckie Duckling Hatty Hanson Screamin’ Guy Extra: Laughin’ Laptop Audience Contestants Ruby and Dave Extra: Missile Man Boom Box Dude Extra: Dance Crew Extra: Book Club Ladies Extra: Confused Couple Snickering Steve SPECIAL THANKS Chuck the Duck Hatty Hanson Snickering Steve Missile Man And Every One!!! BLU JAY PUBLISHERS©2008BLU JAY PUBLISHERS©2008 I’ll be BACK!!!! Hey wait! Let me down!

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