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CIm -IE775 computer Integrated manufacturing Industrial & Manufacturing Enterprise Department The Wichita State University

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Presentation on theme: "CIm -IE775 computer Integrated manufacturing Industrial & Manufacturing Enterprise Department The Wichita State University"— Presentation transcript:

1 cIm -IE775 computer Integrated manufacturing Industrial & Manufacturing Enterprise Department The Wichita State University Larry Whitman (316) 691-5907 (316) 978-3742

2 cIm -IE775 Why networking?  most computer Integrated manufacturing is (or at least starts with) data integration.  common way to integrate is to use networks  everything is not always by the same vendor (or the same version of the same vendor)

3 cIm -IE775 Communication Fundamentals  One way  Two way  Different media have different advantages and disadvantages  Bandwidth - frequency range (how big the pipe is), affects throughput  bps - bits per second  baud - data transmission speed (replaced by bps)

4 cIm -IE775 Terms/explanations baseband - uses base (unaltered) frequency lower frequency transmissions (to DC) Synchronous multiplexing - signal at precise timed and sequential intervals Asynchronous multiplexing - random sequence Modulation - superimposing a signal on top of a carrier frequency Demodulation - recovering a superimposed signal (modem) broadband - high frequencies (many channels)

5 cIm -IE775 Baseband and broadband

6 cIm -IE775 Digital  Think in binary  EBCDIC (8 bit)  ASCII (7 bit) (8th bit for error checking)  Serial transmission in 8 bit bytes  sent in frames  frame fields:  synchronisation code  destination address  control information  data  frame-checking field

7 cIm -IE775 LANs  intercomputer communication  sharing data between PCs  mainframe providing it all to several PCs connected by a LAN providing it all  LAN local - over a limited distance (<20 miles)

8 cIm -IE775 LANs (cont)  Features:  Signal transmission (modulation method)  Interconnection medium (physical links)  Topology (layout)  Access control method

9 cIm -IE775 LANs (cont) Topology  fig 7.4

10 cIm -IE775 Ethernet  first LAN standard (Xerox, then DEC and Intel)  listen and send if no one else is sending  contention and collision (delays are okay)

11 cIm -IE775 Token passing  token provides temporary ownership (priority) of the network (transmission rights)  message is a packet of data.  IBM  high reliability

12 cIm -IE775 Advantages of Networks  share resources  fault tolerance  increased economy  better communication  flexibility

13 cIm -IE775 LAN Implementations  fig 7.5

14 cIm -IE775 Client-server  fig 7.6

15 cIm -IE775 Multi-Tiered LANs  fig 7.7

16 cIm -IE775 WANs  MAN - metropolitan area network  WAN - wide area network, spans cities or countries  WAN error rates higher (slower and uses telephones lines)

17 cIm -IE775 WANs switching  circuit switching  message switching  packet switching

18 cIm -IE775 Other considerations  security and administration  performance  flexibility  user interface  installation

19 cIm -IE775 Open systems  def from 157  a system that in implements sufficient open specifications or standards for interfaces, services, and supporting formats to enable properly engineered applications software: to be ported with minimal changes across a wide range of systems from one or more suppliers; to interoperate with other applications on local and remote systems; to interact with people in a style which facilitates user portability.

20 cIm -IE775 open specifications  def from 157  Specifications that are maintained by an organization that uses an open, public consensus process to accommodate new technologies and user requirements over time.

21 cIm -IE775 7 layer OSI reference model  fig 8.1

22 cIm -IE775 MUSIC  M - management  U - user interface  S - service interface for programs  I - information and data formats  C - communication interfaces

23 cIm -IE775 Next Class  Chapter 9!

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