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The Roaring 20s. Economic Adjustment Before WWI: Before WWI: - Second Industrial Revolution & some new inventions - Poor work conditions - During WWI:

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Presentation on theme: "The Roaring 20s. Economic Adjustment Before WWI: Before WWI: - Second Industrial Revolution & some new inventions - Poor work conditions - During WWI:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Roaring 20s

2 Economic Adjustment Before WWI: Before WWI: - Second Industrial Revolution & some new inventions - Poor work conditions - During WWI: - Increase production for war effort -Food & prices increase

3 Economic Adjustment After WWI: After WWI: -Decrease production war is over -New inventions -People have money to spend -Booming economy -Credit: Buy now, pay later -Installment plans: monthly payments for more expensive items

4 Workers/Labor Before WWI: Before WWI: -Labor unrest, harsh conditions, poor pay/hours -Strikes but usually management wins During WWI: During WWI: -Need workers so increase wages and National War Labor Board settles disputes -But increase hours, taxes, and prices

5 Workers/Labor After War: After War: -No longer need workers -People have money to spend on new inventions

6 Labor Relations Before WWI: Before WWI: -Workers tried to unionize but government often sided with management During WWI: During WWI: -Union membership increased -National War Labor Board helps relate disputes

7 Labor Relations After WWI: After WWI: -People have money to spend on new inventions -More unrest & general strikes: many unions strike at once Boston: Police Strike Seattle: Ship workers Indiana: Steel

8 Women Before WWI: Before WWI: -No voting rights -Lower pay than men -Long dresses, long sleeves During WWI: During WWI: -Take over male jobs/pay increases -Skirts got shorter because need material -Glimpse of independence

9 Women After WWI: After WWI: -Return home or take lower paying jobs -Most lose jobs to returning soldiers -Gain voting rights -Some rebels: flappers-wore shorter skirts, cut hair, smoked in public

10 African Americans Before WWI: Before WWI: -Lower wages -Discrimination During WWI: During WWI: -Great Migration: start moving north for jobs and to escape segregation -Better pay -More jobs available due to the war and less immigration -Soldiers were segregated & given minimal jobs

11 African Americans After WWI: After WWI: -Soldiers return to discrimination & segregation -Marcus Garvey Movement: back to Africa

12 African Americans -Harlem Renaissance: rebirth of culture -Jazz spreads from New Orleans to NY : Louie Armstrong, Bessie Smith -Writers such as Langston Hughes

13 Immigration Before WWI: Before WWI: -Floods of immigrants -Lack of work and harsh conditions due to large supply of workers During WWI: During WWI: -Restrict immigration

14 Immigration After WWI: After WWI: -Nativism & Isolationism -Restrict immigration to 350,000 -Quotas for certain nationalities (decrease numbers for South and Eastern Europe) -No Asians Sacco & Vanzetti: shows prejudice toward immigrants

15 Red Scare Before WWI: Before WWI: -Russia ally During WWI: During WWI: -Russia ally but pull out of war early After WWI: After WWI: -Becomes USSR & communist -No longer ally -US fears communism will spread: Red Scare

16 Farmers Before WWI: Before WWI: -Chronically poor, low crop prices, debt During WWI: During WWI: -Need food for soldiers so crop prices increase -farmers are making money to pay off debt

17 Farmers After WWI: After WWI: -Surplus of crops -Crop prices drop -Increase debt, buy new farm equipment on credit -Prohibition: 18 th Amendment no alcohol so can’t use grain for alcohol -During war had used all of their land to farm, land begins drying out

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