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Assignment: Candidate Power Point Directions: You will create a power point for one of the candidates you have researched. Follow the directions on each.

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Presentation on theme: "Assignment: Candidate Power Point Directions: You will create a power point for one of the candidates you have researched. Follow the directions on each."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assignment: Candidate Power Point Directions: You will create a power point for one of the candidates you have researched. Follow the directions on each slide so that you include everything.

2 a. Creative Title for this slide b.Candidates Name c.Explanation of why people should vote for this candidate. d. Picture of your candidate goes here.

3 a. Creative Title for this slide b. Explain your candidates views on crime. c. Picture goes here.

4 a. Creative Title for this slide b. Explain your candidates view on energy. c. Picture goes here.

5 a. Creative Title for this Slide b.Explain your candidate’s view on the environment. c. Picture goes here.

6 a. Creative title for this slide. b.Explain your candidates view on foreign policy. c. Picture goes here.

7 a. Creative Title for this slide. b.Explain your candidates views on healthcare. c. Picture goes here.

8 a. Creative title for this slide. b.Explain your candidates views on social services. c. Picture goes here.

9 a. Creative Title for this slide. b.Explain your candidates views on immigration. c. Picture goes here.

10 a. Candidates Name b.Catchy slogan to encourage people to vote for your candidate. c.Picture that goes along with the catchy slogan.

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