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Gram Negative Aerobic Nonsporulating Nonmotitile Oxidase-negative Paired cocci.

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1 Gram Negative Aerobic Nonsporulating Nonmotitile Oxidase-negative Paired cocci

2 Two important pathogens, Neisseria meningitidis Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Neisseria lactamica(rare speceis)

3 Meningococcus;Diplococcus intracellularis meningitidis  It causes meningococcal meningitis(cerebrospinal fever)  Morphology ;

4  Do not grow on ordinary media  Media enriched with blood,serum or ascitic fluid which promote growth by neutralising inhibiting substances  No growth occurs anaerobically  Optimum temp;35-36degrees  Optimum ph;7.4-7.6  Growth is facilitated by 5-10% CO2 &high humidity

5 On solid media colonies are Small, Translucent, Round, Convex, Bluish grey with glistening surface and entire edges Weak hemolysis on blood agar

6 Commonly used media, a. Blood agar b. Chocolate agar c. Muller-Hinton starch casein hydrolysate agar. Selective medium;Modified Theyer-Martin(with vancomycin,colistin and nystatin)

7 Catalase-positive Oxidase-positive In kovac’s method-deep purple colour appears immediately. Indole &Hydrogen sulphide-Not Produced, Nitrates-not reduced


9 Based on capsular polysaccharide antigens,classified into 13 serogroups…… A,B&C-Most important. groupA-EPIDEMICS groupB-LOCALISED OUTBREAKS groupC-BOTH Groups 29-E,W-135 &Y:causes MENINGITIS

10 Very delicate organisms Highly susceptible Sensitive to penicillin &other antibiotics But resistant strains have emerged

11 Two main types of meningococcal diseases, 1.cerebrospinal meningitis& 2.meningococcal septicemia. Strict human parasites inhabiting the nasopharynx Asymptomatic infection Local inflammation-rhinitis&pharyngitis

12  cocci from nasopharynx cribriform plate to subarachanoid space meninges suppurative lesions surface of spinal cord, base&cortex of the brain spinal fluid

13 Cocci are found both free & with in leucocytes in the spinal fluid. Fatality high in untreated cases(80%) Survivors may have blindness&deafness Chronic or reccurent meningitis

14 MENINGOCOCCEMIA Acute fever with chills Malaise & Prostration. Metastatic involvement of joints, ears, eyes, lungs & adrenals may occur 10%-pneumonia.

15 Fatal condition, Shock Disseminated intravascular coagulation& Multisystem failure Pathogenic agent-ENDOTOXIN released by autolysis Vascular endothelium is sensitive to endotoxin

16 Specimens collected, 1.spinal fluid 2.blood 3.swabs from nasopharynx. 1.Examination of CSF:-collected csf is devided into 3 parts. a)1 st portion-centrifuged & gram stained smears are prepared from deposits, supernatant-meningococcal antigens

17 B)2 nd portion-inoculated on blood or chocolate agar imp note-morphologically similar organisms. c)3 rd portion-over night incubation, subcultured on chocolate agar. 2.BLOOD CULTURE 3.NASOPHARYNGEAL SWAB 4.PETECHIAL LESIONS 5.AUTOPSY 6.RETROSPECTIVE EVIDENCE 7.MOLECULAR DIAGNOSIS.

18 Sulphonamides Iv penicillinG Chloramphenicol Cephalosporins Eradicative therapy-Rifampicin or ciprofloxacin

19 Chemoprophylaxis-Rifampicin or ciprofloxacin. Mono or Polyvalent vaccines-capsular polysaccharides of groups A,C,W-135 & Y are available. Single dose in older children & adults. Immunity is group spesific.

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