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Unit 2 Is Conflict Necessary?. Conflict  Conflict: Struggle between opposing forces  2 types: Internal and External  Internal: Man vs. Self  External:

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 Is Conflict Necessary?. Conflict  Conflict: Struggle between opposing forces  2 types: Internal and External  Internal: Man vs. Self  External:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 Is Conflict Necessary?

2 Conflict  Conflict: Struggle between opposing forces  2 types: Internal and External  Internal: Man vs. Self  External: Man vs. Man; Man vs. Society; Man vs. Nature  Conflict Video Conflict Video

3 Elements of Short Story: Want to leave a MAIN EFFECT  Characters  Main effect usually involves a change in character  Setting  Time and place of action  Contributes to the stories mood  Plot  Sequence of events in which it is told  Conflict  Themes and Symbols  Theme: Insight into life  Symbols: object or element that stands for a larger meaning

4 Analyzing Character  Developing Character  Direct  Narrator makes direct statements about a character  Indirect  Learn by analyzing what they say and do  How other characters respond  Characterization Video Characterization Video

5 Analyzing Character  How Characters Advance a Story  Advance Plot  Can lead to new plot developments  Intensify conflict, heighten tension or suspense  Develop Theme  How characters change and lessons they learn

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