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Information leadership: Managing ICT resources Module 3 Workshop 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Information leadership: Managing ICT resources Module 3 Workshop 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information leadership: Managing ICT resources Module 3 Workshop 1

2 Focus questions Can ICT be managed equitably? Can I provide information leadership?

3 Transformation and leadership School as separate world Challenges for teachers’ time Transformation  Leadership  Vision School mirrors global environment Connect schools Work collaboratively

4 Information leadership – the big difference Similarities between teaching situations worldwide Your leadership can make the difference Is ICT central to curriculum developments in your whole-school improvement plan? How well are teachers in your school supported  continuing professional development,  ready access to ICT resources  technical support?

5 Attitudes Work on your own Complete the visual attitude chart Early finishers:  Open the Teacher Attitude Survey and read through it.  You may like to administer this survey to your teachers.

6 Information leadership Information leadership equation:  Information literacy,  Information policy and  Knowledge management Mixed success in ICT Integration – why?Mixed success in ICT Integration Work in pairs  Open the worksheet and discuss each point.  Identify what action they can take to achieve or overcome each pitfall. (20 min) Open course workbook at item 3-1-2  What sort of things as a leader will you have to do to support ICT integration at the school?

7 Vision Meet in pairs Explore what you would like to see happening with ICT in your school. (10 min)  What sort of vision is there about what learners and educators will do in a school where ICTs are integrated?  What kind of visible results (and/or changes in behaviour) would you like to see at the school from ICT-change and within what time- frames  The support that will be needed at the school, for ICT-related results, changes in behaviour and practices, to be achieved;

8 Vision Join pairs to form groups of four. Share you ICT vision with the group.  Discuss and clarify issues that may arise. (10 minutes) Work on your own. Open your course workbook. Write a press article that you imagine someone writing about your school in three years' time.  What would you ideally like the reporter to be saying about the impact of ICT and related events at your school at that time? (25 min)

9 ICT Policy Policy communicates vision to school community  What must happen?  Process that will take place Share vision Participatory Policy CyclePolicy Cycle What policy decisions that can make my personal vision happen?

10 Budget Work in pairs or with a colleague from your school. Do a visual ranking of ICT budget items.  Login:  Teacher: Microsoft  User name: province abbreviation (ask trainer)  Password: province abbreviation Open the budget file in Microsoft Excel  Change the grey areas to reflect your ideas about ICT budget.  You may also change the labels and add items. Compare your budget allocations to your visual ranking results. Were you consistent with your decisions? Did you allocate a greater percentage of your budget to your top choices in the visual ranking?

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