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 existed around 2000-612 BCE  lived in northern Mesopotamia on the Tigris River  middle bronze age Assyria.

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3  existed around 2000-612 BCE  lived in northern Mesopotamia on the Tigris River  middle bronze age Assyria

4  Consisted of city-states and Semetic kingdoms  Shamshi-Adad I was the monarch after he captured the city of Ashur  Ashur was the base city from which Assyria was born

5  Most of the empire’s expansion occurred in this time period under Tukulti- Ninurta I  The Assyrian law code was created, giving women less rights Middle Assyrian Period

6  Assyrians had good farming systems with irrigation  had large cities for trade  few slaves, but didn’t play big part in the economy  made iron Economics

7  Monarchs: -Tiglat-Pileser(1116-1090 BCE)-extended authority to Syria and Armenia -Ashurnasirpal II (883-859 BCE)-conquered Mesopotamia and modern day Lebanon -Shalmaneser III (858-824 BCE)-conquered all of Syria, Palestine, Armenia, Babylon, and Southern Mesopotamia Individuals

8  literature was one of their finest achievements  first used cuneiform, later used Aramaic writing  wrote down medicine, legal issues, and history  had sculptures and wall carvings Culture

9  battering ram  excavation  concepts of engineering  made chariots popular  worked with metals like bronze and iron Technology

10  had good weapons and a well trained army  conquered many cities and made them pay tribute  army consisted of foot soldiers, chariots, archers, and cavalry  weapons made of iron Warfare

11  Their art depicted battle scenes and destruction of the cities they conquered  Their sculptures were used to guard the king’s court Art

12  In 612 BCE the Chaldeans captured the capital city of Nineveh  The empire fell without the control of Nineveh Fall of the Assyrian Empire

13  Located in North Mesopotamia  Expands over 4 countries (Turkey, Iran, Syria, & Iraq)  Goes to Euphrates  Tigris runs through it  The Taurus and Zagros Mts. To the north and east  Southern limestone plateau

14  Rich and fertile land  The Arbel and Nineveh plain make up the middle of Assyria

15  Wrote on clay tablets in cuneiform  Spoke Akkadian  750 BC they started using papyrus paper  Aramaic was the 2 nd official language

16  Monotheist’s  Ashurism was the first religion (until 256 AD)  1 st to accept Christianity

17 1 st Golden Age 1 st Dark Age

18  2400 BC to 612 BC  Fruitful time  Sargon of Akkad was the 1 st ruler  Ended with the tragic fall of Nineveh  3 major cities: Ashur, Nineveh, Arbel  Successful warriors  One of the 1 st empires

19  612 BC – 33 AD  Empire collapsed in 612  Employed by Persians as troops  Failed attempt to reestablish in 350 BC  Persians killed 400 of the Assyrian leaders

20  Kings were in charge of everything except religion  Kings oldest son handled administrative affairs.  Some low taxes and freedom to choose to not join the military.

21  150,000-200,000 men  First to use large Calvary squadrons  Had 3000 horses a month for use in battle  Had the most modern equipment  Consisted: helmet, body armor, boots, and backpacks

22  Weapons: composite bows, ands swords  Protection: helmet, body armor, shields.  Shields were so strong they could withstand a firearm up to Napoleons time.  Bows were not matched until the Prussian needle gun in 1871

23  Kings and his advisors lived in luxury  Followed Hammurabi’s code  Citizens spent time working in their farms

24  People became slaves one of two ways: prisoner of war, owed debt.  Mostly people who owed debt.  Slaves worked for wages.

25  Family was extremely important.  Men wore skirts to show their significance (long=important, short=not).  Marriages were monogamous.  1 st son received largest inheritance.

26  Assyria was a beautiful and fertile land.  The people were to unsettled to be peaceful  Big on military and family.  Assyria was one of the most successful empires in the ancient world.

27  The Assyrians were people who lived in northern Mesopotamia.

28  The Assyrian empire began as the small city of Ashur, located in Northern Mesopotamia.  Slowly, they began to grow into an empire.

29  Nineveh was the capital city of the Assyrian empire.  It was located on the bank of the Tigris river, at a very important trading spot.

30  Assyria covered modern day Turkey, Iraq, Syria and Iran.  The Tigris and Euphrates rivers run through the land, creating fertile soil.

31  The main religion that they practiced was Ashurism.  They practiced this until they eventually adopted Christianity in 33 C.E.

32  The Assyrians wrote on clay tablets using a style of writing called Cuneiform.  More recently, they used modern ways of writing, such as parchment or leather.

33  Some famous leaders were-  Sargon of Akkad  Ashur-uballit

34  In the 24 th and 23 rd centuries B.C.E., Sargon led the Assyrian empire on a conquering rampage.  He is known as one of the first people to record a multi- ethnic empire ruled by one government.

35  Ashur-uballit ruled the Assyrians from 1365-1330 B.C.E.  He began the Assyrians reign of power.

36  The Assyrians were known for their beautifully crafted stone sculptures.  The most famous sculpture is the Bull-Man, Lamassu.

37  They made great advances in building.  One of their most useful accomplishments was heating bricks to harden them, and make them sturdier.

38  They were conquered by Babylon who was under the rule of Hammurabi.  Eventually, they regained power.

39  The Assyrians were a powerful empire.  Under the rule of Sargon of Akkad, they conquered anybody who stood in their way.  They advanced things such as building and sculpting.

40  Assyrian_city-states_and_kingdoms Assyrian_city-states_and_kingdoms    assyrians.htm assyrians.htm Bibliography

41 www. structure/index.html World Book Encyclopedia A-1 pg. 822-823 Joshua Williams Jake lindee Sam Jones Landon Johnson

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