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Histone Modifications and Chromatin Remodeling during Bacterial Infections Mélanie Anne Hamon and Pascale Cossart Cell Host & Microbe Volume 4, Issue.

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2 Histone Modifications and Chromatin Remodeling during Bacterial Infections Mélanie Anne Hamon and Pascale Cossart Cell Host & Microbe Volume 4, Issue 2, 14 August 2008, Pages 100-109 Transcription regulation by histone methylation: interplay between different covalent modifications of the core histone tails Yi Zhang and Danny Reinberg Genes & Dev. 2001. 15: 2343-2360 Histone modifications Histone methylation Protein Ubiquitination (or Ubiquitylation) (SAM)(SAH)

3 Wnt signalling in stem cells and cancer Tannishtha Reya and Hans Clevers Nature 434, 843-850(14 April 2005) Wnt signalling pathway DotCom mediated H3K79me3


5 Size exclusion chromatography

6 Multidimensional LC Separations in Shotgun Proteomics Akira Motoyama Anal. Chem., 2008, 80 (19), pp 7187–7193 MudPIT (Multidimensional Protein Identification Technology)




10 siRNA-mediated KO


12 The art and design of genetic screens: Drosophila melanogaster Daniel St Johnston Nature Reviews Genetics 3, 176-188 (March 2002) UAS-GAL4 system


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