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HOW TO INSTALL JAVA IDE TO WIN 7. Problems Installing Netbeans on Windows 7 If you are having trouble installing Netbeans 6.5.1 on Windows 7, you might.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO INSTALL JAVA IDE TO WIN 7. Problems Installing Netbeans on Windows 7 If you are having trouble installing Netbeans 6.5.1 on Windows 7, you might."— Presentation transcript:


2 Problems Installing Netbeans on Windows 7 If you are having trouble installing Netbeans 6.5.1 on Windows 7, you might need to perform the following manual steps. Then you should be all set. Ensure that the JDK is already installed. If the installer is on a CD, Copy the EXE file for the Netbeans 6.5.1 installer onto your hard disk. Note the location of the installer. Open a Command Prompt running as administrator: –Go to Start button > All Programs > Accessories –Right click Command Prompt –Select Run as administrator In the Command Prompt use the cd command to change to the directory containing the installer. Execute the following command to extract the contents of the installer: [Note: You might need to change the name of the installer to match the one you have.] netbeans-6.5.1-ml-java- windows.exe --extract Execute the following command to manually execute the installer: java -jar bundle.jar You will see rapid scrolling output in the Command Prompt window for a few moments, then the installer window will appear to begin the installation process.Once Netbeans is installed on Windows 7, you may also need to run Netbeans as an Administrator--especially for database, web application and web services development, which each require server resources.web services

3 I have migrated my OS to Windows 7 because my previous windows went to corruptness. The first development tools that I need to be installed were jdk+netbeans. There’s no problem with jdk installation, but the problem occurred when I installed netbeans. The installation could not be processed because JDK was not found. It’s ridiculous because I have installed JDK correctly. Here is the solution for this problem that I got from internet get the latest jdk and netbeansjdknetbeans open your command prompt (cmd) runas your cmd with administrator privilege –runas /user:compName\administrator cmd go to netbeans directory extract the installer with the following command –java netbeans-6.8-ml-windows.exe --extract run the jar file –java -jar bundle.jar finally follow the installation wizard until finish…

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