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BGREI Central Steering Committee Meeting 31.10.2014.

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Presentation on theme: "BGREI Central Steering Committee Meeting 31.10.2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 BGREI Central Steering Committee Meeting 31.10.2014

2 Allocation, Release & Expense Report, 2013-14 & 2014-15 (in Crore) Sl. No. SchemeAllocationRelease Exp.UC sent 12345 1BGREI 13-14142.7871.39123.699671.39 2BGREI 14-15151.0075.5056.06 BGREI-CSC meeting 31 st Oct, 2014

3 BGREI-CSC meeting 31 st Oct, 2014 Allocation, Release & Expense Report NFSM-2013-14 Interve ntion Sanction ed Work Program me Release 2013-14 Unspent balance 2012-13 Total Available Fund Expenditur e AUC/ UC Sent % Utilizati on RICE2643.470264.092099.7892363.8971617.677 68% WHEAT4566.2100.001898.467 1870.396 99% PULSES1979.8701257.84906.6742164.514840.329 39% A3P+Add il. Pulses 998.000.0093.940950.277581.890 61.23%

4 BGREI-CSC meeting 31 st Oct, 2014 Allocation, Release & Expense Report NFSM-2014-15 Interven- tion Sanctioned Work Programme Release 2014- 15 Unspent balance 2013-14 Total Available Fund Expenditure Sent AUC/U C % Utilizatio n RICE2990.251495.12746.2022241.3321816.541- 81 WHEAT2134.001067.0028.0711095.071 To be implemented in rabi season PULSES1713.00856.501324.1852180.685185.800 Being impleme nted in rabi season - 8.52 COARSE CEREALS 447.00223.500.00223.500To be implemented in rabi season A3P+Addil. Pulses 989.880.00 To be implemented in rabi season

5 BGREI-CSC meeting 31 st Oct, 2014 Physical and Financial Achievements 2014-15 Under BGREI Financial- Rs. in Crore S.No Name of the Project (Include all new/on going project) Unit Year 2014-15 Physical Achivement % Financial Achiveme nt % TargetAchievement PhyFinPhyFin 123456789 1 Demonstration of SRI Acre 17640052.920017476650.9662 99.0796.31 2 Deep Water Rice Acre 8000.08007780.0778 97.25 3 Direct Sown Rice with Zero Tillage/ Seed Drill Machine No. 295987.3995212235.0183 71.7067.82 4 Demonstration of SWI Acre 78648.515.1005 Programme being implemented in Rabi, 2014-15 5 Construction of Godown No. 37715.0800 6 Farm Machanization i Pump set No. 1600516.0050 ii Other Farm equipment No. 6020014.2150 7 Site Specific Need i Farm Pond No. 234914.3400 ii W.H.S No. 121415.8600 Grant Total 151.0000 56.0623

6 BGREI-CSC meeting 31 st Oct, 2014 Reports of 3 rd Party Evaluation Agencies*  “Significantly, area under cultivation of Paddy, Wheat & Pulses has increased during the implementation of flagship programmes.”  “Productivity of Paddy & Wheat has increased”  “Use of green fertilizers and vermicompost has reduced farmers’ dependency on chemical fertilizers and resulted in significant improvement in overall productivity.  “ Per beneficiary cultivated area found to be increased by 1.03 acre during kharif, 0.37 acre during Rabi and 0.33 acre during zaid.  “ Per acre and per beneficiary yield found to be increased by 4.89 quintals during Kharif, 3.46 quital during rabi and 0.97 quital during Zaid.  Per beneficiary marketed surplus found to be increased by 7.11 quintals during Kharif, 3.85 quintals during rabi and 0.66 quintals during zaid *1. NABARD consultancy Services(NABCONS) 2. Chandragupta Institute of Management, Patna (CIMP) 3. AN Sinha Institute of Social Studies (ANISS) IMPACT

7 Unit:Q/Ha Achievements of BGREI/NFSM 2013-14 Source: Department of Agriculture crop cutting report SRI Demo Plot (Qtl/ha.) SRI Non- Demo Plot (Qtl/ha.) Hybrid Demo Plot (Qtl/ha.) Hybrid Non- Demo Plot (Qtl/ha.) General Method Plot (Qtl/ha.) 42.0736.2438.6835.4325.39 IMPACT

8 Food Grain Production (L.MT) BGREI-CSC meeting 31 st Oct, 2014 IMPACT

9 Food Grain Productivity (Q/Ha) BGREI-CSC meeting 31 st Oct, 2014 IMPACT

10 Project implementation pictures BGREI-CSC meeting 31 st Oct, 2014 IMPACT

11 BGREI-CSC meeting 31 st Oct, 2014 Site specific Activities Target Application Received Target Application Received Total Total Application Received Farm PondsWHS PhyFinPhyFinPhyFin 23492868.13380112143172.187842 3563 6040.31 11643  Construction of Farm Ponds & Water Harvesting Structures Farm Ponds(66’x66’x10’) @ 1.221 Lakhs x50% subsidy= Rs. 61050 WHS (110’x100’x8’)@ 2.613 Lakhsx 50% subsidy= Rs 130650 Work orders will be issued by 10 th – Nov- 2014. In every district one demo – cum – excavation of pond at beneficiary’s field will be done in presence of all the selected beneficiaries to make them aware about the complete process. Deadline for the construction has be fixed i.e. by the end of Feb – 2015. Marketing Support- Construction of pre fabricated Godowns of 200MT capacity to be taken up. Subsidy of Rs 4 Lakhs/Godown to be paid to farmers.

12 BGREI-CSC meeting 31 st Oct, 2014  Procurement through PACS, SFC & FCI  Regular monitoring by Chief Secretary at State level & by DM at District level  Senior Deputy Collector specially deputed in all districts  Food & Civil Supply department work as nodal department  14.32 lakh MT procured in 2013-14

13 BGREI-CSC meeting 31 st Oct, 2014 YEARRICEWheatTotal 2007-085.550.085.63 2008-0910.83515.83 2009-108.94.9713.87 2010-118.831.8310.66 2011-1215.345.5620.9 2012-1315.847.7220.21 2013-1414.32-- L.MT.

14 BGREI-CSC meeting 31 st Oct, 2014 Storage Agriculture Production increasing so Procurement & Storage capacity is important State agencies Viz PACS, Vyapar Mandal, BISCOMAUN, SWC & SFC had a capacity of 9.48 Lac MT(2011-12) which increased to 15.49 LMT in 2013-14. Has to be increased to 65.00 Lac MT by 2017 In addition Department has created additional storage capacity of about 1.89 Lac MT built up by farmers through “Anna Bhandaran Yojna” being taken up under BGREI & State Plan.

15 BGREI-CSC meeting 31 st Oct, 2014 No Issues But request…. Allocation of Central schemes in earlier months(Jan, Feb) will help in advance planning. First release be made in April and Second in September to effectively implement Kharif & Rabi Programmes

16 BGREI-CSC meeting 31 st Oct, 2014

17 BGREI-CSC meeting 31 st Oct, 2014

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