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KINGDOMS OF AFRICA Dr. Afxendiou AP World History 9 Sachem North High School.

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1 KINGDOMS OF AFRICA Dr. Afxendiou AP World History 9 Sachem North High School

2 Kush - region of Nubia ~6,000 years ago - (Sudan) Axum - (Ethiopia) 500 BCE. Became first Christian kingdom Both rich kingdoms, engaged in trade with north Africa and the Indian Ocean EARLY KINGDOMS

3 WEST AFRICAN KINGDOMS Appear around 400AD Around Niger River Based on long distance trade Gold and Salt trade across the Sahara Desert

4 WEST AFRICAN KINGDOMS Kingdom of Ghana 400 – 1200 Iron and Gold Traded its gold for salt from northern Africa Berbers – the traders; used camels for transport of goods Innovation: the camel saddle

5 WEST AFRICAN KINGDOMS Kingdom of Mali – 1250 to 1450 rich in gold continue gold and salt trade with northern Africa Sundiata-conquered the great Ghana empire in 1240 AD Mansa Musa – ‘king Musa’ - Muslim king- ruled during the Golden Age of Mali Timbuktu - important city in the trans-Saharan trade; also the center of Islamic scholarship.


7 WEST AFRICAN KINGDOMS Kingdom of Songhai-1460 to 1600 Still engaged in the gold and salt trade Dominated all of west African trade


9 SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA Most peoples descendants of Bantu people Ironworking Common language roots

10 EAST AFRICA Great Zimbabwe – city established by Bantu descendants; dominated coastal trade routes Part of Indian Ocean trade system 7 th century influx of Muslims from Arabia to East Africa, especially port cities Swahili culture – mix of African and Arabic culture Swahili language – Bantu based language of East Africa combined with Arabic. Official language of Kenya and Tanzania Other East African cities become established by Muslims along the East African coast


12 BIBLIOGRAPHY: Stearns et. al. Textbook African Kingdoms, 266000-REG-WH-LESSON-9-African-09-Kingdoms-Islamic-Civilization- Entertainment-ppt-powerpoint/ 266000-REG-WH-LESSON-9-African-09-Kingdoms-Islamic-Civilization- Entertainment-ppt-powerpoint/

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