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The Industrial Revolution 1700-1900. Causes of the Revolution Exploration and Colonialism Sea power Political stability Government support Growth of private.

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Presentation on theme: "The Industrial Revolution 1700-1900. Causes of the Revolution Exploration and Colonialism Sea power Political stability Government support Growth of private."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Industrial Revolution 1700-1900

2 Causes of the Revolution Exploration and Colonialism Sea power Political stability Government support Growth of private investment.

3 Agricultural Changes Jethro Tull- invented seed drill. Livestock paper Enclosure movement

4 Factors of Production 1. Land 2. Labor 3. Capital

5 Steam Engine Invented by James Watt in 1712 (very slow) Richard Trevithick, 1802. 1 st locomotive. Robert Fulton, 1807, Clermont.

6 The Spread of Industrialization Britain forbade skilled craftsmen from leaving. Report on Manufactures, 1791. Samuel Slater, Father of American Industry. William Cockerill, brought industry to Europe. Industry spread to Asia fairly late.

7 From Home to a Factory Working from home had its ups and downs People left homes for factories because of disadvantages Factories were a hard place to work Adults were factory workers but so were children.

8 Life in Factory Towns Bad accommodations Bad air quality In Manchester, there were only 2 toilets for every 250 people

9 The Factory System Three main levels of workers:  Wealthy business people  Mid level employees  Low level employees Factory work was seen as “women’s work”

10 New Ideas in a New Society

11 Adam Smith

12 Thomas Malthus

13 Andrew Carnegie

14 Men achieved great success in different industries John D. Rockefeller  Earned a near monopoly in the oil business Vanderbilt  Achieved great success in the rail road business

15 Robert Owen Socialism  He believed that society or government, instead of individuals, should own the land

16 Karl Marx He completely radicalizes socialism into communism:  Communism is where the government controls all production and economic planning

17 Changes in Society Women in the upper- lower and middle classes began to get new jobs but were criticized for working outside of the home Men and women now “worked in separate spheres ”

18 Industrialization Brings Wealth and Power With industrialization countries like the UK, France and Germany were the world leaders at the time because of their economies. But the industry that grew the quickest was America’s with its size and wealth of natural resources

19 Advances in Transportation Steam-powered Train Airplane

20 Advances in Communication Radio Telephone Telegraph Phonograph

21 Darwin’s Findings Theory of Evolution Contradicted Bible

22 Chemistry and Physics Atomic Theory (John Dalton) Discovery of Nucleus (Ernest Rutherford)

23 Albert Einstein Theory of Relativity E=MC²

24 Medical Breakthroughs Pasteurizations Anesthetic Drugs

25 Industrial Changes Cities needed factories Factories worsened health Sewage system improved

26 Education 1870, elementary education required for children. More newspapers

27 Popular Activities Football and soccer concerts Joseph Baan look-alike Jacob Lewis look-alike

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