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DAR2012 Professional English Meetings. DAR2012 Introduction A meeting is a planned assembly, or An arranged gathering of people for a certain purpose.

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Presentation on theme: "DAR2012 Professional English Meetings. DAR2012 Introduction A meeting is a planned assembly, or An arranged gathering of people for a certain purpose."— Presentation transcript:

1 DAR2012 Professional English Meetings

2 DAR2012

3 Introduction A meeting is a planned assembly, or An arranged gathering of people for a certain purpose

4 DAR2012

5 In organizational setting Meetings are a primary process for organizational life For many people, attending meetings is what they do most of the time

6 DAR2012

7 Importance It will depend on your meeting skills to be recognized for your contributions.

8 DAR2012 Types of Meetings information-sharing problem-solving decision-making planning feedback: reacting / evaluating combination

9 DAR2012 Informal Meeting

10 DAR2012 Formal Meetings

11 DAR2012 Names of Meetings Annual General Meeting (AGM)/(EGM) Board Meetings Senior Management Meetings Staff Meetings etc.

12 DAR2012 Documents for Meetings Notice Agenda Minutes

13 DAR2012 Notice a notice is to let people know the purpose, date, time and location of a meeting. A notice can be: memo; letter; poster; email

14 DAR2012

15 Agenda An agenda is a detailed plan of the items to be discussed at a meeting, given before the meeting starts (sometimes at the same time of the notice of the meeting)

16 DAR2012 Agenda Format Agenda formats vary widely depending on the complexity of the meeting and the technology to be used

17 DAR2012 Basic elements of an agenda:, time, and place 2.purpose of the meeting 3.topics to be addressed 4.participants

18 DAR2012 A formal agenda should have: 1.the word Agenda 2.the name of the organization/ group/ or person calling for the meeting 3.the date and time of the meeting 4.the venue 5.Apologies

19 DAR2012 cont'd 6.Minutes of the Last Meeting 7.Matters Arising 8.Meeting Topics: list 9.Any Other Business (AOCB) 10.Date and time of next meeting

20 DAR2012 Agenda sample Agenda sample from Microsoft

21 DAR2012 Minutes A written report of a meeting that identifies who was present, summarizes discussions, records specific decisions and action points. Minutes are also known as protocols or informally notes.

22 DAR2012

23 Minutes are sometimes important legal documents. Minutes are not meant to be a verbatim! Minutes follow the format of the agenda used for the meeting

24 DAR2012 Note: the trend nowadays is to use meeting minutes recording software: they record and prepare all minutes in real-time.

25 DAR2012 Formal minutes should contain: 1.The title of the meeting. 2.The date and time of the meeting. 3.A list of all those present under the title present. 4.A list of all those absent but who have sent their apologies, this list should come under the title apologies.

26 DAR2012 cont'd 5.Confirmation that the previous meeting's minutes have been agreed. 6.Any amendments arising from the previous meeting's minutes should be written down. 7.Any matters arising from the previous minutes. 8.Items should be listed in order as taken in the meeting.

27 DAR2012 cont'd 9.The date of the next meeting. Headings can be in a numerical system of the report format.

28 DAR2012 Minutes sample Minutes sample from Microsoft

29 DAR2012 Thank you

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