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 “Excel”erate Your Knowledge Martha Messick – South Aiken High School Jennifer Kolmar – Aiken High School.

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Presentation on theme: " “Excel”erate Your Knowledge Martha Messick – South Aiken High School Jennifer Kolmar – Aiken High School."— Presentation transcript:

1  “Excel”erate Your Knowledge Martha Messick – South Aiken High School Jennifer Kolmar – Aiken High School

2 Agenda  Essential Question: How can I utilize Excel to better examine data and improve communication within my organization?  Objectives:  Create Excel Surveys  Develop spreadsheets using the validate data function to create dropdown menus  Utilize vlookup and match to merge data from multiple spreadsheets  Examine basic formulas to analyze data  Create Mail Merge documents  Link-and-embed data into Word or PowerPoint for enhanced presentations  Review basics

3  Excel Surveys

4 Creating an Excel Survey  Open OneDrive  Select +New and select Excel Survey  Name Document and Create  Edit Survey  Enter Directions  +New Question and specify response type (text, paragraph text, number, date, time, yes/no, or choice)  Choice- you provide the answers for them to pick from  Decide whether it is required or not  Select Done  Enter as many questions as you want  Share survey link or create a link to post on your website  Sort data for review

5 Uses for Excel Survey  Homeroom/Classroom Counts  Faculty Feedback  Maintenance Requests  Observation Tool  Post Conference Tool

6  Spreadsheets with Dropdown Menus

7 Creating Dropdown Menus  Open a new spreadsheet  Enter or download information to Sheet 1  Enter lists for dropdown menu to Sheet 2 (separate sheet)  To name list  Highlight list  Right-click and Define Name (heading title)  To create dropdown menu  From main sheet, select column (or cell)  Data tab  Data validation, select data validation  Allow: List  Source: highlight source from Sheet 2 or enter =name of list  OK

8 Uses for Dropdown Menu  When you want information in a uniform manner  Testing Pre-code Documents  Special Education Accommodations  Teacher Recommendations for Scheduling

9  Tools for Examining Data Basic formulas, Vlookup and match, Countif,

10 Basic Formulas  Purpose- breakdown data for analysis  Countif  Creating pass rates (add passing/divide by all X 100)  Average

11 Countif  Purpose- Count data in the spreadsheet easily  Go to Formulas  Insert function- countif  Range- highlight column, row, table (whatever data to be examine)  Criteria- select information to be counted

12 Vlookup  Purpose- merge data from one sheet/spreadsheet to another using a common data point  Important- Data point needs to be in column A and they have to match exactly

13 Match  Basically what match function does is, it scans the whole array range in order to find the specified text and thereafter it returns its position.

14 Vlookup and Match  What does it look like when you use vlookup and match together?  =IF(ISNA(MATCH($A2,English!$A:$A,0)),"",VLOOKUP( $A2,English!$A:$E,COLUMN(E2),0))

15 Uses of Vlookup and Match  Combining student information from two different spreadsheets  Testing, Special Education, IGPs

16  What Next? Link and embed data into Word or PowerPoint Create Mail Merge Documents

17 Mail Merge  Save spreadsheet to desktop  Open Template (Word Document)  Mailings  Start Mail Merge (select from options) (today- Normal Word Document)  Select Recipients  Use existing list  Find excel file and open  Select sheet from spreadsheet (today- vlookup and count if sheet)  Insert merge fields and select  If you want more than one person’s information on a sheet/label then use rules  Go to Rules and select Next Record  Preview Results  Finish & Merge  Edit individual documents  Pop up- select records to insert  Try a label!  Options and select 5352

18 Link and Embed Data

19  Quick Tips

20 Tips for Users  Exporting data  Remove duplicates  Text-to-columns  Copy data to multiple cells  Select all data- Control-Shift-8  Move columns to rows- Copy, Paste special, transpose

21  QUESTIONS? You can access the PowerPoint through the website by clicking on our session. Please feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions. Please use the index card at your table to give us some feedback or ask any additional questions. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME!

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