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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z English Alphabet.

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Presentation on theme: "A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z English Alphabet."— Presentation transcript:

1 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z English Alphabet

2 This is an ALLIGATOR. Alligator starts with the letter A
This is an ALLIGATOR. Alligator starts with the letter A. An alligator swims. A

3 This is a BIRD. Bird starts with the letter B. Birds fly in the sky.

4 This is a CAT. Cat starts with the letter C. Cats say “Meow.”

5 This is a DOG. Dog starts with the letter D. Dogs like to bark.

6 This is an ELEPHANT. Elephant starts with the letter E
This is an ELEPHANT. Elephant starts with the letter E. Elephants have long trunks. E

7 This is a FROG. Frog starts with the letter F. Frogs eat flies.

8 This is a GIRAFFE. Giraffe starts with the letter G
This is a GIRAFFE. Giraffe starts with the letter G. Giraffes have really long necks. G

9 This is a HORSE. Horse starts with the letter H. Horses eat hay.

10 This is an IGUANA. Iguana starts with the letter I
This is an IGUANA. Iguana starts with the letter I. Iguanas are a type of lizard. I

11 This is a JELLYFISH. Jellyfish starts with the letter J
This is a JELLYFISH. Jellyfish starts with the letter J. Jellyfish live in the sea. J

12 This is a KANGAROO. Kangaroo starts with the letter K
This is a KANGAROO. Kangaroo starts with the letter K. Kangaroo’s keep their babies in their pouch. K

13 This is a LION. Lion starts with the letter L. Lions say roar.

14 This is a MONKEY. Monkey starts with the letter M
This is a MONKEY. Monkey starts with the letter M. Monkeys like to eat bananas. M

15 This is a NIGHT OWL. Night Owl starts with the letter N
This is a NIGHT OWL. Night Owl starts with the letter N. Night Owls eat fish. N

16 This is an OSTRICH. Ostrich starts with the letter O
This is an OSTRICH. Ostrich starts with the letter O. An ostrich is a type of bird. O

17 This is a PARROT. Parrot starts with the letter P
This is a PARROT. Parrot starts with the letter P. Parrots like to eat crackers. P

18 This is a QUAIL. Quail starts with the letter Q
This is a QUAIL. Quail starts with the letter Q. Quails are a type of bird. Q

19 This is a RACCOON. Raccoon starts with the letter R
This is a RACCOON. Raccoon starts with the letter R. Raccoons like the dark. R

20 This is a SHARK. Shark starts with the letter S
This is a SHARK. Shark starts with the letter S. Sharks live in the ocean. S

21 This is a TIGER. Tiger starts with the letter T. Tigers have stripes.

22 This is an URCHIN. Urchin starts with the letter U
This is an URCHIN. Urchin starts with the letter U. Urchins live in the ocean. U

23 This is a VULTURE. Vulture starts with the letter V
This is a VULTURE. Vulture starts with the letter V. Vultures eat dead animals. V

24 This is a WORM. Worm starts with the letter W. Worms live in the dirt.

25 This is a X-RAY FISH. X-ray Fish starts with the letter X
This is a X-RAY FISH. X-ray Fish starts with the letter X. X-Ray Fish live in the ocean. X

26 This is a YAK. Yak starts with the letter Y. Yaks like cold weather.

27 This is a ZEBRA. Zebra starts with the letter Z
This is a ZEBRA. Zebra starts with the letter Z. Zebras can run really fast. Z

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