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Assessing Team Projects s c h o o l s o f e n g I n e e r I n g S. D. Rajan Professor of Civil Engineering Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessing Team Projects s c h o o l s o f e n g I n e e r I n g S. D. Rajan Professor of Civil Engineering Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessing Team Projects s c h o o l s o f e n g I n e e r I n g S. D. Rajan Professor of Civil Engineering Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

2 FULTON schools of engineering sustainable engineering and the built environment n Work on nontrivial problems –Emulate engineering workplace –Realistic, open-ended problems n Build teamwork skills –Break complex task into simpler, manageable tasks –Learn group roles and structure –Learn to understand and collaborate Motivations

3 FULTON schools of engineering sustainable engineering and the built environment Case Study

4 FULTON schools of engineering sustainable engineering and the built environment n Design a 10-storied office building with a rectangular footprint, located in downtown Tempe. The building is to be modeled as a planar steel frame with rigid connections. ASCE 7-2010 design code requirements must be used for computing dead, live and wind loads. Design Project 1: Design Problem Statement

5 FULTON schools of engineering sustainable engineering and the built environment n Design a 6-storied office building with a rectangular footprint (120’ x 280’), located in downtown Tempe. The building is to be modeled as a series of identical planar steel frames with rigid connections. ASCE 7-20 design code requirements must be used for computing dead, live and wind loads. Design Project 2: Design Problem Statement

6 FULTON schools of engineering sustainable engineering and the built environment Design Problem Statement

7 FULTON schools of engineering sustainable engineering and the built environment n Pre-requisites –Theory and examples covered in class –Computer software usage and examples n In-class Discussions –Design Problem Statement –Group Dynamics –Discussion on Grading Rubric –Using Blackboard Discussion Board n Feedback after Design Project #1 Resources

8 FULTON schools of engineering sustainable engineering and the built environment Grading Rubric (see attachments) ComponentDemonstrable Mastery CompetentNot Mature Technical Writing (25%) Procedures and Tools Used (15%) Design (40%) Economy of Design (20%) Oral Presentation (20%: Bonus)

9 FULTON schools of engineering sustainable engineering and the built environment Hands-On Exercises

10 FULTON schools of engineering sustainable engineering and the built environment n Step 1: Choose a course that is amenable to a group project n Step 2: Develop the project specifications n Step 3: Construct the grading rubric n Step 4: Construct the grade sheet(s) Assessment Exercise

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