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This is a modified true-false formative assessment. If the statement is true, simply put a “T” next to the appropriate number. If the statement is false,

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Presentation on theme: "This is a modified true-false formative assessment. If the statement is true, simply put a “T” next to the appropriate number. If the statement is false,"— Presentation transcript:

1 This is a modified true-false formative assessment. If the statement is true, simply put a “T” next to the appropriate number. If the statement is false, put an “F”, followed by correcting the underlined, bolded portion of the sentence. Example: Fossil fuels are renewable forms of energy. ANS: F; nonrenewable 1. Coal is a fossil fuel, and is formed from the altered remains of dinosaurs, found in terrestrial swamps and bogs.

2 2. When ranking coal based upon available energy, anthracite is highest, while bituminous is lowest. 3. Sub-bituminous coal is a form of coal that has undergone metamorphic change. 4.The chief chemical component in natural gas is CH 4. 5. To generate electricity from coal, the one technology that you will rely upon is the parabolic trough.

3 6.The most used fossil fuel in the US is coal. 7.A well that is producing oil or gas through secondary production will likely experience an increase in cost, passing that on to the public through an increase in price. 8.Gasflooding in an existing oil reservoir will decrease the viscosity of the oil, making it easier to retrieve. 9.Of the three fossil fuels, NG is the cleanest burning.

4 Describe one plus and one minus of hydraulic fracturing, as a process. 10. Of all the fossil fuels, coal has the longest history of use.

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