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ACHS Words Week 13 mand, mend ( Latin)– order, require, praise mis, mit( Latin)-- send omni (Latin)-- all path ( Greek)– feel, suffer phil Greek)--love.

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Presentation on theme: "ACHS Words Week 13 mand, mend ( Latin)– order, require, praise mis, mit( Latin)-- send omni (Latin)-- all path ( Greek)– feel, suffer phil Greek)--love."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACHS Words Week 13 mand, mend ( Latin)– order, require, praise mis, mit( Latin)-- send omni (Latin)-- all path ( Greek)– feel, suffer phil Greek)--love

2 Mand or mend=order, require, praise Recommend- v. approve, advise as useful I recommend you take this course, or read this book. Demand-v. ask for urgently or forcefully I demanded to see the head of the department about my complaint. Mandatory-adj. Required by rules or law. Hospitals are making flue shots mandatory for health workers this season. Mend-v. make something damaged whole again. I mended the tear in my jeans.


4 1.Mission : MISS ion n. A duty one is sent to perform; as, sent on a mission 2.Commit : com MIT v. To send; to entrust; as, commit yourself to a noble cause 3. Intermittent : inter MIT tent) adj. Coming and going; irregular 4.Dismissed : dis MISS ed adj. Sent away; discharged 5.Emissary : e MISS ary n. A messenger sent on a mission


6 1.Omniscient : OMNI scient adj. All knowing; having complete understanding The narrator’s point of view is omniscient or all knowing. 2. Omnipresent : OMNI present adj. Present everywhere; ubiquitous On earth, air is omnipresent. 3. Omnivorous : OMNI vorous adj. Eating everything; taking in everything What animals eat everything?


8 Path=feel, suffer Sympathy-n. feeling of compassion or support Empathy-n. feeling what another feels Antipathy-n. dislike Pathos-n. quality of objects and texts to bring out feelings Sociopath – n. Person who has no social conscious- cannot feel for others



11 Phil-Love Philadelphia, PA –City of Brotherly Love philanthropy-n. Active efforts to improve humanity philharmonic-adj. Devoted to music bibliophile – Lover of books. Phil-Love Philadelphia, PA –City of Brotherly Love philosophy-n. Love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline. philanthropy-n. Active efforts to improve humanity philharmonic-adj. Devoted to music bibliophile – Lover of books.

12 Philadelphia

13 Philharmonic----------Bibliophile

14 Name your best loved books.

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