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Waste Management Intro video. WASTING RESOURCES Solid waste: any unwanted or discarded material we produce that is not a liquid or gas. –Municipal solid.

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Presentation on theme: "Waste Management Intro video. WASTING RESOURCES Solid waste: any unwanted or discarded material we produce that is not a liquid or gas. –Municipal solid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Waste Management Intro video

2 WASTING RESOURCES Solid waste: any unwanted or discarded material we produce that is not a liquid or gas. –Municipal solid waste (MSW): produce directly from homes. –Industrial solid waste: produced indirectly by industries that supply people with goods and services.

3 Municipal Waste by Income Low Income CountriesHigh Income Countries

4 Electronic Waste E-waste consists of toxic and hazardous waste such as PVC, lead, mercury, and cadmium. 50 millions tons disposed of annually Europe discards 100 million phones each year. Figure 22-4

5 How to manage the waste Landfills Incineration Ocean dumping Recycling Composting

6 LANDFILLS Oldest form of waste management Globally, it is the most commonly used method of dealing with waste Sanitation levels vary significantly

7 Burying Solid Waste Most of the world’s MSW is buried in landfills eventually. –Open dumps: are fields or holes in the ground where garbage is deposited and sometimes covered with soil. Mostly used in developing countries. –Sanitary landfills: solid wastes are spread out in thin layers, compacted and covered daily with a fresh layer of clay or plastic foam.

8 Low-Income Countries Unregulated Highly polluting Contaminates water Soil contamination Reservoir of disease vectors Open dump

9 High Income Countries Highly regulated Ban some substances from landfilling (oil, car batteries, tires, paint) Referred to as a sanitary landfill


11 Sand When landfill is full, layers of soil and clay seal in trash Methane storage and compressor building Leachate storage tank Leachate monitoring well Groundwater monitoring well Electricity generator building Leachate treatment system Methane gas recovery well Compacted solid waste Leachate pipes Leachate pumped up to storage tank for safe disposal Groundwater Clay and plastic lining to prevent leaks; pipes collect leachate from bottom of landfill Topsoil Sand Clay Subsoil Probes to detect methane leaks Garbage Synthetic liner Sand Clay Pipes collect explosive methane as used as fuel to generate electricity

12 Problems of Landfills Leachate generation and groundwater contamination Methane production Incomplete decomposition Settling/subsidence

13 Improving Landfills Located above water table and away from airports Contoured floor for leachate-collection system Covered with earthen material Ground-water monitoring wells

14 Secure Hazardous Waste Landfill There are limited numbers of commercial hazardous waste landfills. Figure 22-22

15 Current Criteria Landfills cannot pollute surface or groundwater. Compacted clay and plastic sheets are at the bottom (prevents liquid waste from seeping into groundwater) A double liner system must be present (plastic, clay, plastic, clay), and a system to collect leachate (liquid that seeps through the solid waste)

16 INCINERATION Burning trash Converts trash into ash, flue gas, and heat Ranges from simple to complex

17 Waste-to-Energy Incineration 1) the volume of waste is reduced by up to 90% and 2) the heat produced, produces steam, which can warm buildings or generate electricity. Pros Decreases need of fossil fuels Volume is significantly decreased, requiring less land usage Cons Toxic fly ash must be disposed of Emission of heavy metals

18 Flue gases Particulate matter Heavy metals Dioxin Sulfur dioxide Hydrochloric acid Methane Carbon dioxide

19 Waste-to-Energy Incinerator

20 WTE Denmark and Sweden are the world leaders in energy generated from incineration Japan favors incineration due to shortages of land space

21 OCEAN DUMPING Deliberate disposal of waste at sea Banned in almost every country Contaminates water Creates floating garbage patches –Harms wildlife

22 Great Pacific Garbage Patch

23 Other garbage patches

24 Conservation of resources by converting them into new product. Recycling Recycling is better than using virgin materials, but it’s not as good as not producing waste in the first place.

25 Recycling saves land, reduces the amount of solid waste, energy consumption and pollution. Ex. recycling one aluminum can saves the energy of about 6 oz. of gasoline.

26 Examples Gold, lead, nickel, steel, copper, silver, zinc, and aluminum are recyclable. (Many metals are easily recycled.)

27 Recycling Problems Recycling does have environmental costs. It uses energy and generates pollution. Ex. the de-inking process in paper recycling requires energy, and produces a toxic sludge that contains heavy metals.

28 RECYCLING Primary (closed loop) recycling: materials are turned into new products of the same type. Secondary recycling: materials are converted into different products. –Used tires shredded and converted into rubberized road surface. –Newspapers transformed into cellulose insulation.

29 Specific Recycled Items

30 Glass It costs less to recycle glass than to make new glass. Mixed color glass “cullet” is used for glassphalt, a glass/asphalt mixture.

31 Aluminum Making a new can from an old one requires a fraction of the energy than to make a new can from raw materials. Approximately 2/3 of cans are recycled each year, saving 19 million barrels of oil annually.

32 Paper Denmark, recycles about 97% of its paper. Many U.S. mills are not able to process waste paper. Many countries like Mexico, import a large amount of wastepaper from the U.S.

33 Paper Every time paper is recycled, the fibers get shorter. After being recycled five to seven times, the fibers become too short to bond into new paper.

34 Recyclable Plastics Plastics range in their ability to be recycled. #1-7 (1 is easiest to recycle. 7 is most difficult).

35 RECYCLING Recycling many plastics is chemically and economically difficult. –Many plastics are hard to isolate from other wastes. –Recovering individual plastic resins does not yield much material. –The cost of virgin plastic resins is lower than recycled resins due to low fossil fuel costs. –There are new technologies that are making plastics biodegradable.

36 COMPOST A dark-brown, humus-like material that is rich in organic material and soil nutrients. Composting for kids

37 Benefits of Compost Aerates the soil. Improves soil’s ability to retain water and nutrients. Helps prevent erosion. Prevents nutrients from being dumped in landfills.

38 Organic Waste Includes yard debris, wood materials, bio-solids, food, manure and agricultural residues, land clearing debris, used paper, and mixed municipal organic waste. Organic materials have been dumped in landfills or burned. Why not use them?!

39 Shipping Waste Some countries export their waste to other countries that are willing to take it for a fee. Beginning in 2006, the EU can no longer ship hazardous waste to countries that do not have the capacity to deal with the waste in an environmentally friendly way.

40 Nuclear Waste The safe disposal of radioactive wastes is the problem. Radioactive wastes must be stored in an isolated area where they can’t contaminate the environment. It must have geological stability and little or no water flowing nearby.

41 Packaging Many packaging items are put into landfills, including boxes, packing peanuts, Styrofoam, shrink wrap, etc. Try to buy things that are not as highly packaged. Many companies use peanuts that are made from cellulose that can be washed down the drain and not put into landfills. Reuse containers and buy smart!

42 Factors Contributing to Increasing Amounts of MSW Increasing populations Changing lifestyles Disposable materials* Excessive packaging* * = two largest contributors to waste volume

43 Factors Contributing to Increasing Amounts of MSW (municipal solid waste)

44 Solutions: Reducing Solid Waste Reduce: consume less and live a simpler and less stressful life by practicing simplicity. Reuse: rely more on items that can be used over and over. Recycle: paper, glass, cans, plastics…and buy items made from recycled materials. Repurpose: use something for another purpose instead of throwing it away. Refuse to buy items that we really don’t need.

45 HAZARDOUS WASTE Hazardous waste: is any discarded solid or liquid material that is toxic, ignitable, corrosive, or reactive enough to explode or release toxic fumes. –The two largest classes of hazardous wastes are organic compounds (e.g. pesticides, PCBs, dioxins) and toxic heavy metals (e.g. lead, mercury, arsenic).

46 Conversion to Less Hazardous Substances Physical Methods: using charcoal or resins to separate out harmful chemicals. Chemical Methods: using chemical reactions that can convert hazardous chemicals to less harmful or harmless chemicals.

47 Conversion to Less Hazardous Substances Biological Methods: –Bioremediation: bacteria or enzymes help destroy toxic and hazardous waste or convert them to more benign substances. –Phytoremediation: involves using natural or genetically engineered plants to absorb, filter and remove contaminants from polluted soil and water.

48 Environmental Justice Environmental justice means that everyone is entitled to protection from environmental hazards without discrimination. Citizens have kept large numbers of incinerators, landfills, and hazardous waste treatment plants from being built in their local areas. Landfills and incinerators are disproportionately placed in low-income areas and those dominated by ethnic minorities

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