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TEAM: From Application to Obligation Entering your project application and getting all the right approvals.

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Presentation on theme: "TEAM: From Application to Obligation Entering your project application and getting all the right approvals."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEAM: From Application to Obligation Entering your project application and getting all the right approvals

2 TEAM:Tracks FTA program funds Where they come from (operating budgets) Who they go to (recipients) What they are used for (projects) o By Schedule (milestones) o By Activity (budgets) Reservations & Obligations (promised & dedicated amounts) Disbursements (payments) (non-administrative)

3 Project Types Program Grants (Formula Program, New Starts, Capital Program) Cooperative Agreements (Hire a contractor to do a project that has significant Federal Involvement) Contracts/Procurements (Hire a contractor to do a project) General Working Agreements (Volpe) Inter-agency Agreements (Outside DOT) Intra-agency Agreements (Within DOT)

4 All FTA Projects Have… A place on the FTA Program Plan or in a Concept Memo An Approval Package (SOW, GCE, etc.) A Project Record in TEAM (Application) o Project Information o Set of tasks to be performed o Budget o Schedule of activities

5 Approval Package Differ by project type (inter/intra agency, grant, procurement, etc) Templates on FTANet/Electronic Forms/TEAM Forms Includes: o Approval memo o Statement of Work o Government Cost Estimate

6 TEAM Project Life Cycle Project application created Project number assigned Signoffs and Approvals Operating budget money is reserved Project awarded Project award executed Project managed Project closed TEAM Training: From Application to Obligation TEAM Training: Project Management TEAM Training: Data Analysis

7 Creating the Project Application Create New Application Copy an existing project application Amend an existing project application o Change in award or duration

8 Parts of the Project Application Project Information o program, costs, contact info, etc. Budget o task details and their costs Milestones o schedule of deliverables Environmental Findings o required environmental classification Fleet Status o discription of fleet changes

9 Signoffs and Approvals Assign Project Number Review/Concur Dates FTA Comments

10 Submit the Application “Paper” Application o FTA staff is entering the application in TEAM “Electronic” Application o The recipient is entering the application in TEAM o “Signs” using a PIN

11 Reserve the Funds Find the right Account o Use oldest money first Select Account Classification Code Specify Financial Purpose Code

12 Getting Help TEAM Home Page o User’s Guide o Training Schedules o Activity Line Item Tree (ALI Codes) o TEAM Guidance-HQ Approval Package Templates o FTANet/Electronic Forms/Team Forms (Linda Sorkin)

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