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1 Incidental Motions Motions relating to the pending business and rules of Parliamentary Procedure. They must be decided immediately.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Incidental Motions Motions relating to the pending business and rules of Parliamentary Procedure. They must be decided immediately."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Incidental Motions Motions relating to the pending business and rules of Parliamentary Procedure. They must be decided immediately

2 2 Incidental Motions Suspend the Rules Withdraw a Motion Object to the consideration of the Question Point of Order Parliamentary Inquiry Appeal Point of Information Division of the Assembly Division of a Question

3 3 Suspend the Rules Purpose –Allows Requires a second Not amendable Not debatable 2/3 vote Can not another speaker Can not be reconsidered Proper example: –Mr. President, Because of the lack of time tonight, I move to suspend the rules and skip directly to new business.

4 4 Modify or Withdraw Purpose –This motion allows for the maker of a motion to change a motion or completely take it off the floor for discussion. Not amendable Not If made before President first states the motion it is automatically withdrawn with no second or vote. If made after first states the motion the following steps must be taken.

5 5 Modify or Withdraw Continued –1) President must ask if anyone objects to the maker withdrawing the motion »if someone objects » must be seconded, and passed with majority vote »if no one objects the motion is automatically withdrawn Can not be made after has begun Proper form –Mr. President, I would like to withdraw my motion.

6 6 Divide a Motion Purpose –This motion allows a motion that has been made to be split into two different motions This Requires a second Not debatable Amendable Majority vote Can not

7 7 Divide a Motion Continued Proper example –Motion on the floor, I move to buy a boat and go to the zoo. –Madam President, I move to divide this motion into tow motions. The first stating the we buy a boat and the second that we go to the zoo.

8 8 Object to the Consideration Purpose –Used when a member thinks that the activity or action of the group is not appropriate. Does not require a Not amendable Not debatable 2/3 vote Can interrupt another speaker Proper form –Mr. President, I object to the consideration of this question. »President should say “Objection to the consideration has been called. All those who wish to consider the motion raise your right hand. All those who object to the consideration of this question same sign.

9 9 Division of the house Purpose – Does not require a second Not amendable Not debatable No Can interrupt another speaker Proper form –Can be made by saying “division” loud enough for the entire group to hear –Or by standing and saying “I call for a division of the house”

10 10 Point of Order Purpose –Used Does not require a second Not amendable Not debatable President Can interrupt another speaker Proper example –Mr. President, I rise to a point of order. –President says, “State your point” –After member states point, president says “your point is well taken” or “Your point is not well taken”

11 11 Appeal Purpose –To secure a ruling of the group on a decision of the chairman Requires Not amendable Debatable (this is the only motion where President can discuss) Majority vote Can Most of the time you should support the decision of your president. Proper Example –Mr. President I appeal the decision of the chair. –President should say “Appeal the decision of the chair has been called, shall the decision of the chair be sustained? All in favor? All opposed same sign.”

12 12 To suspend the rules Purpose - needs a second not amendable not debatable 2/3 vote can not be interrupted - madam president, I move to suspend the rules which interfere with ( specify items interfered with)

13 13 To withdraw a motion Purpose to withdraw a motion before it is voted on no second Not not debatable majority vote can madam president, I move that a member ( or “I”) be permitted to withdraw the motion

14 14 Objection to the consideration of a question Purpose - no second not amendable not debatable can interrupt speaker madam president, I object to the consideration of the question

15 15 Parliamentary inquiry Purpose to obtain information about parliamentary law or rules no second Not not debatable chair usually makes without calling for a vote can interrupt speaker madam president, I rise to a parliamentary inquiry

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