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Published byJulie Preston Modified over 9 years ago
B Physics at the LHC 1 Ulrich Uwer Heidelberg University Flavor Physics in the LHC Era Singapore, November 2010 b s Disclaimer: Due to time-constraints only LHCb
Quark Flavor Mixing 2 Within uncertainties, flavor changing data described by SM: There are several 2…3 tensions! New Physics effects only appear as corrections to leading SM terms.
“New Physics” in B-decays 3 bs u, c, t bs X Y bq q bW bq X q bY Precision measurement of loop-suppressed effects: very high statistic and access to unexplored B s system Standard Model New Physics + + W
LHCb Search Strategies for NP 4 Explore FCNC transitions with large sensitivity to NP, especially b s transitions (poorly constrained by current data) B s mixing phase s Penguin and other rare decays: B s , B 0 K * , B s but also CP violation in D decays Improve CKM elements and challenge the SM by over- constraints: Precise determination of angle Compare tree versus loop results measurements w/ NP discovery potential Precision CKM metrology Slide by U.Egede
Outline 5 LHCb experiment Detector performance Results on flavor production Towards a measurement of Exploring the B s sector Rare FCNC processes
B Production at LHC 6 bb bb Cross sections predictions (PYTHIA) s = 7, 10, 14 TeV B ±, B 0, B s, B c, b … (40% 40% 10% 10% from LEP) 20x larger charm production Design L ~ 2 x 10 32 cm -2 s -1 (tuned) ~ 10 12 bb events / year (2 fb -1 ) 15 kHz bb-events in LHCb inel ~ ( 0.89, 0.95, 1 ) 80 mb bb ~ ( 0.44, 0.67, 1) ~500 b ~250 b bb Production p p b b Gluon-Gluon-Fusion: bb
Key requirements for b Physics at LHC 7 b Hadron BsBs -- K-K- ++ -- -- ++ K-K- K-K- 7 mm Excellent vertex resolution: to resolve fast B s oscillation. Background reduction:Very good mass resolution Good particle identification (K/ ) High statistics:Efficient trigger for hadronic and leptonic states t = / c t 40 fs
LHCb Detector 8 Muon System /h separation Trigger Calorimeter h/e/ / separation Trigger Tracking-System RICH Detectors p/K/ Vertex Detextor
LHC Operation 9 Peak lumi ~2 10 32 cm -2 s -1 Delivered int. lumi: O(50 pb -1 ) Bunches/colliding: 368/344 Commissioning of 50 ns spacing Preparation for bunch trains End Aug Excellent performance: 3.5 TeV + 3.5 TeV 2010 lumi goals reached: Heavy Ion run since ~1 week Expect >1 fb -1 in 2011 March 30th
LHCb Data-taking 10 LHCb: Recorded: 37.7 pb -1 (eff.~90%) Design lumi w/ only 344*) bunches: Large pileup, very busy events *) nominal: 2800 bunches Peak Lumi = 1.7 10 32 cm -2 s -1 Interactions / crossing
Typical Event at =2.5 11
First B candidate (single interaction) 12 First B + → J/ψ (μ + μ – ) K +
Vertex resolution 13 6 cm Both Velo halves move at every fill: nominal position of sensor: 8 mm to beam axis! Impact parameter resolution (x): Primary vertex resolution: x 15 m y 15 m z 76 m Module and sensor alignment better than 5 m. Fill-to-fill variations < 5 m.
Tracking 14 LHCb Preliminary OT LHCb Preliminary TT
Mass resolution 15 m = 3094.5 MeV = 14 MeV m = 5277 MeV = 13 MeV = 9 MeV (w/ mass constr) B + J/ K + J/ Resolutions still slightly different from prediction: calibration and alignment ongoing. K s → m = 497.2 MeV = 3.3 MeV
PID with RICH 16 D + →KK D s →KK 124 nb -1 D + →K 124 nb -1 PID allows separation of topologically identical finals states
Muon Identification 17 Tracking system Muon system J/ µ probe µ tag > 90% and mis-ID rate 10 GeV/c Mis-ID rate: K s KK
Heavy Flavor Production 18 B + → J/ψ (μ + μ – ) K +
Inclusive J/ production 19 Inclusive J/ production: (2.5<y<4,p T <10 GeV/c)=7.65 ± 0.19 ± 1.10 +0.87 -1.27 b J/ production from b: f b = (11.1 ± 0.8) % (2.5<y<4,p T <10 GeV/c)= 0.81 ± 0.06 ± 0.13 b σ(pp H b X; 2<η b < 6) = 84.5 ± 6.3 ± 15.6 μb polarization uncertainty Not well described by colour singlet nor by octet models. Phythia LHCb ICHEP 2010 (preliminary) LHCb ICHEP 2010
bb cross section from B D 0 (K ) X 20 D from B Prompt D Fake D (pp→H b X; 2 < < 6) = 75.3 5.3 13.0 μb ηLHCb preliminaryTheory 1Theory2 2-677.4 ± 4.0 ±11.4 μb8970 all292 ± 15 ± 43 μb332254 Average of two measurements Theory 1: Nason, Dawson, Ellis Theory 2: Nason, Frixione, Mangano and Ridolfi LHCb assumed ~250 μb LHCb: PL B 694 (2010) 209. B D(K ) X LHCb ICHEP 2010 12 nb -1
Prospects for semi-leptonic decays 21 Fake D D from B B s D s µX Same technique to reconstruct b D +,D s, c X b c µX ( c pK ) (D s KK ) Allows semi-leptonic measurements: e.g. b-hadron fragmentation fractions 800 nb -1 c from B
Open Charm Production 22 Impact parameter used to separate prompt from secondary charm
Charm Cross Section 23 preliminary! e.g. D 0 K - + Slide by Z.Yang
Spectroscopy 24 X(3872) J/ (1S) (2S) (3S) (2S)
CKM Angle 25 A lot of pioneering work by B-factories Constraints from direct measurements still weak
Towards a measurement at LHCb 26 ADS: D 0 decays suppressed (K + - ) GLW: D 0 decays to CP state ( ,KK) GGSZ: D 0 decays to K s (Dalitz) BB f K D 0 K V ub Tree Level Processes 1 fb -1 Combined sensitivity: CDF (5 fb -1 ): ~30 evts ~300 nb -1 B + (K ) +
B hh 27 ~3 pb -1 B d B s KK B d/s /K B d/s Loop Processes R.Fleischer Measure time dependent CP asymmetries (direct, mixing) in B d and B s KK. ~3 pb -1
B 0 K 28 3 pb -1 (World average: A CP ( B K ) = -0.098 0.012)
B s Sector – Mixing phase s 29 SM p-value is 44% ~6500 events CDF public note 10206 bs s b m s, , phase s
B s J/ 30 observed yield: ~40 B s J/ events / pb -1 B s J/ candidate Mixture of CP even/odd final states: Angular analysis to separate CP states ~17 pb -1 ~670 evts
Flavor Tagging 31 Expected Tagging performance: Uncalibrated tagging algorithms applied to B 0 D* (D 0 ) + evts : ~60% of expected performance. Calibration & tuning ongoing. m= 0.53 ± 0.08 10 12 s -1 1.9 pb -1 opposite side same side (simulation) tagging power stat. weight D 2 = 6.2% (MC)
Control Channels 32 B + J/ K + B 0 J/ K* 0 Tagging calibration (opposite side) Kinematically similar to B s J/ Angular acceptance checks: Polarization amplitudes Check of tagging performance ~17 pb -1
Expected Sensitivity 33 35k selected evts / 1 fb -1 (based on measured bb ) = 38 fs Tagging: D 2 =6.2% S/B as in simulation MC 2010
Semi-leptonic asymmetries a sl 34 Evidence of anomalous CP-violation in mixing of neutral B mesons by D0. Inclusive method at LHCb difficult due to the production asymmetry in pp collisions (~10 -2 ) and detection asymmetries. A. Lenz, U. Nierste, 2007 SM: ~10 -4 X X + X B0B0 B0B0 B0B0 B0B0 CP PRD 82, 032001 (2010)
Prospects at LHCb 35 Time dependent asymmetry difference of semi-leptonic B decays: B s + →D s (KK )μ and B 0 →D + (KK )μ : (cancels detection asymmetries and allows simultaneous fit of prod. asymmetry) LHCb Method: a sl (B s ) - a sl (B d ) ~0.6 pb -1 stat. only
Penguin and very rare FCNC decays 36 b s penguins B d K* Very rare FCNC proc. B d,s
B 0 K* 37 Standard Model Corresponding Wilson coefficients C i describe short-range physics. New Physics in Wilson coefficients C i = C i SM + C i NP or new operators. Effective Theory Operator Product Expansion
New Physics Sensitivity 38 Observables: l, K, , m 2 A FB (q 2 ) ~ - Re C 10 eff * [ C 7 eff + (q 2 ) C 9 eff ] forward-backward asymmetry: q2q2 High sensitivity of angular observables CDF: 100 evts CDF Public note 10047 BELLE: 250 evts PRL 103 (2009) 171801. BABAR:100 evts PRD 79 (2009)031102 A FB (q 2 ) for B 0 K* ~450 evts
Prospects 39 LHCb expectation for 1 fb -1 ~1400 events w/ B/S~0.25 140 events for 100 pb -1 B 0 J/ K* for selection efficiency and background studies: Just 0.1 fb -1 will give equivalent error to B-factory measurement.
Very Rare Decays - B d,s Large NP contributions possible SM: BR(B s μ + μ - )= (3.6±0.3)x10 -9 BR(B d μ + μ - )= (1.1±0.1)x10 -10 A. Buras (2009) CDF Public note 9892 arXiv:1006.3469
LHCb Prospects for B d 41 LHCb strategy: 3 discriminants Invariant mass Geometrical likelihood Muon likelihood
Conclusion & Outlook 42 LHC and the LHC(b) experiment(s) perform amazingly well. LHCb has recorded ~40 pb -1 of high-quality data in 2010 First competitive B-physics results for Moriond 2011: B s mixing, mixing phase s, limit on B s , D results For 2011 expect 1 fb -1 (minimum) of data: results for all LHCb key measurements. Flavor Physics at the LHC has started
Backup 43
Semileptonic Asymmetries 44 S. Hansmann
Semileptonic Asymmetries 45 S. Hansmann
Production ratio D + / D s + 46 (D + ) / (D s + ) = 2.32 0.27 0.26 Consistent with PDG: f(c D + ) / f(c D s + ) = 3.08 0.70 preliminary!
Charm – Mixing and CPV 47 D* D(K ) s 124 nb -1 ~17k evts
Comparison with “high-p t ” Detectors 48 ATLAS/CMS: | | < 2.5 LHCb: 2< < 5 ATLAS/CMS: Optimized for high-p t signatures very restricted particle ID B-physics limited to muon triggers, large p t (>4…6 GeV) Small bandwidth by T.Skwarnicki
Mass resolution 49 ATLASCMSLHCb σ ( J/ ) 70 MeV47 MeV14 MeV σ ( ) 170 MeV100 MeV47 MeV
Impact parameter resolution 50 @2GeVATLASCMSLHCb σ (IP) 60 µm50 µm25 µm
B s 51 Expected results (assuming σ(pp → bbX) = 500 µb) @14TeV: –Uncertainty coming from limited amount of MC –B → J/ K is used for normalization to translate the signal cross section to a BR N sigN bkg90% CL ATLAS (10 fb -1 )5.614--- CMS (1 fb -1 )2.46.5<1.6 10 -8 with 10 – 20 fb -1 SM prediction region 3σ evidence after 3 years@10 33 5σ observation after 1 years@10 34 with 10 – 20 fb -1 SM prediction region 3σ evidence after 3 years@10 33 5σ observation after 1 years@10 34 2.1 10 -8 * * Scaling quoted result by ratio of LHCb measured x-sec at √s = 7 TeV to 14 TeV value assumed in MC study. CMS Prel. N sig = 48 σ M = 32 MeV/c 2 MC 280 nb -1 P.Perrret, HQL 2010
J/ from B 52
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