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The First Constitutional Government…

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1 The First Constitutional Government…
April 30, 1789

2 Washington’s Cabinet Washington was sworn in on Wall Street, NYC, the temporary capital. John Adams was elected Vice President. Thomas Jefferson was made Secretary of State. Alexander Hamilton was made Secretary of the Treasury. “Never has a ruler reigned more completely in the hearts of his subjects than did Washington”.

3 Thomas Jefferson As Secretary of State, Jefferson was often a HARSH CRITIC of George Washington. In addition to being a politician, he was ALSO a planter, lawyer, diplomat, writer, inventor, architect and violinist. He was suspicious of the power of government… And often clashed with Washington’s right-hand-man… Alexander Hamilton.

4 Alexander Hamilton Was the first Secretary of the Treasury and a veteran of the Revolutionary War. Was a STRONG believer in the POWER of GOVERNMENT. And became Thomas Jefferson’s strongest ideological opponent.

5 Jefferson vs. Hamilton Jefferson was a Constitutional STRICT CONSTRUCTIONIST— And a supporter of LIMITED GOVERNMENT… Who believed that the Constitution was a black- and-white RULE BOOK— And that the government could not do anything UNLESS IT WAS A SPECIFICALLY GRANTED PERMISSION BY THE CONSTITUTION.

6 Hamilton’s Philosophy
Hamilton was a LOOSE CONSTRUCTIONIST— Who believed that the Constitution was a set of fluid guidelines… And that government could do ANYTHING— Unless it was SPECIFICALLY FORBIDDEN by the Constitution.

7 Political Parties Form
The Democratic Republicans—believed in a weak national government, states’ rights, and strict construction. Supporters were rural, and less wealthy. The Federalists—believed in a strong national government, and loose construction. Supporters were often city-dwellers and more wealthy.

8 iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A9801F78-EB01-A A901838B8BE1 All of the following were characteristics of the Democratic-Republicans, EXCEPT... A.) they tended to support a weak central government. B.) they enjoyed the support of Thomas Jefferson. C.) they were mainly supported by wealthy Americans. D.) many of their supporters were farmers. E.)

9 iRespond Question F Multiple Choice BC1BC0D4-5E1B-F84D-B974-13C4292C3F6E Which of the following individuals would MOST LIKELY have been a supporter of the Federalist Party? A.) a farmer. B.) a soldier. C.) a banker. D.) a blacksmith. E.)

10 Unpaid Debts During the Revolutionary War, the states had had to borrow large amounts of MONEY… That now needed to be repaid. As Secretary of the Treasury, it was Alexander Hamilton’s responsibility to develop a PLAN… The plan involved TWO new taxes.

11 New Taxes The first tax was a new TARIFF—a tax on imports.
The second was a tax on WHISKEY. Whiskey was TREMENDOUSLY important to citizens living along the western frontier… Because it was one of the few things that could be shipped for long distances without spoiling.

12 A.) the Federalist Party.
Which political party would have been SUPPORTIVE of Hamilton's plan to tax whiskey? iRespond Question Multiple Choice F BC171DDE-D B-B CDE8EB701 A.) the Federalist Party. C.) B.) the Democratic Republican Party. D.) E.)

13 The Whiskey Rebellion In 1794, a region in western Pennsylvania REVOLTED over the whiskey tax… Rebels began closing down court houses and attacking tax collectors. Alexander Hamilton argued that this was an opportunity for the US to display its NEW POWER… George Washington gathered an army of 12,000 men and led them into western Pennsylvania. The rebellion collapsed… And Americans were greatly impressed by the government’s tough response.

14 4FD9A6BF-45CA-AE44-BC75-4F3A2E630DFB
iRespond Question F Multiple Choice 4FD9A6BF-45CA-AE44-BC75-4F3A2E630DFB The MOST IMPORTANT result of the Whiskey Rebellion was that... A.) the tax on whiskey was eliminated. B.) it led to the end of George Washington's Presidency. C.) it led to the election of John Adams as US President. D.) the new US government was able to demonstrate its strength. E.)

15 Foreign Policy: Nonintervention
At the height of the Revolutionary War, American and France had signed a Treaty of Alliance… In which they each PROMISED to fight for each other if either one became involved in a war. In 1794, Britain and France WENT TO WAR… And despite our agreement with France, we decided to remain NEUTRAL… Many people viewed the decision as a BETRAYAL of the French… However, George Washington believed the US was too NEW and FRAGILE to become involved in a world war.

16 Washington’s Farewell Address
Sick of politics, Washington refused a third term. In his farewell speech he warned against the two-party system. And urged the US to stay neutral in world affairs… And to AVOID FOREIGN ALLIANCES. John Adams (a Federalist) is later elected President and Thomas Jefferson becomes Vice President.

17 George Washington's farewell address led to a long period of US "isolationism". Based upon your knowledge of the address, which of the following is the BEST description of isolationism? iRespond Question Multiple Choice F 361ADAB2-81C F86296A6FAE A.) a foreign policy wherein a nation seeks to establish as many foreign allies as possible. B.) a foreign policy wherein a nation seeks to achieve military domination over other countries. C.) a foreign policy wherein a nation seeks to become deeply educated about its foreign neighbors. D.) a foreign policy wherein a nation avoids becoming involved in the business of other countries. E.)

18 The Adams Administration
From the beginning of Adams’ term, the US began to drift toward war with France. The French were angry and felt betrayed by America’s refusal to join them in war with Great Britain. In retaliation, they began seizing American ships on the high seas… Eventually stealing 300 ships and cargo worth $20 million… Although much of the country demanded WAR with France, Adams believed that such a war would be a DISASTER for the United States… He was also STRONGLY influenced by George Washington’s advice that the US avoid FOREIGN CONFLICTS. The issue was finally settled by the Convention of 1800, which established PEACE between America and France…. And CANCELLED their previous alliance. The US would not enter another foreign alliance for the next 150 years.

19 George Washington's farewell address...
iRespond Question F Multiple Choice 256EC1F1-5B AA E805D2 George Washington's farewell address... A.) influenced John Adams in his decision to support war with France. B.) caused the US to become active in foreign affairs. C.) helped convince Adams to seek peace with France. D.) led to the US' decision to launch an invasion of Canada. E.)

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