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Do Now: Before You Give Up Answer in complete sentences. 1.What could stop you from earning your dream job? 2.Why do you feel this way? 3.What can you.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Before You Give Up Answer in complete sentences. 1.What could stop you from earning your dream job? 2.Why do you feel this way? 3.What can you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Before You Give Up Answer in complete sentences. 1.What could stop you from earning your dream job? 2.Why do you feel this way? 3.What can you do to prevent yourself from falling short of your dream?

2 Before You Give Up – Career Back-up Plan Objective: To prevent students from giving up on their dreams.

3 Family Doesn’t Support Your Dream? Some parents applaud their children’s ambitions and abilities of their children. Others do not see the point of further education. They might even think school is a waste of time. If you are in this situation, you might feel like you’re betraying your family. Although you might lose their support, the true betrayal is to give up on yourself and your aspirations!

4 Parents Disapprove? Your parents may have had plans for your future: – Becoming a doctor rather than an artist. – Take over the family business instead of starting your own flower shop. You should listen to them respectfully. However, in the end, it is your life-and you are ultimately responsible for your life’s satisfaction or dissatisfaction!

5 If You Don’t Think You Deserve It Refer back to exercises 50-53 in your workbook. What kinds of messages have you been getting about your future? If they are negative such as: – “You’ll never amount to anything!” – “Remember your place!” You may have to fight periods of self- doubt and self-esteem. Best thing to do is thank them for their input and get about your business.

6 You Do Deserve It! Some people send themselves messages about their worthiness. Many poor people tell themselves they have no right to pursue an economically rewarding career. YOU CANNOT SOLVE PROBLEMS BY BECOMING A VICTIM! Remember, when you do achieve your goal (WHICH YOU WILL IF YOU TELL YOURSELF YOU WILL!) you’ll be in a better position to help others!

7 Before You Give Up: Activity 215 Can you think of an ambition you had in the past that you abandoned? Perhaps you didn’t ask that person you wanted to go to the dance with because you were afraid (s)he’d say, “No.” Think of a dream that you have given up or are considering giving up. If you haven’t given your dreams much thought, now is the time to start thinking about them seriously.

8 Before You Give Up: Activity 215 Cont. Answer the questions on Activity 215.

9 CONQuering Your Fears: Activity 217 RELAX!!! Visualize yourself entering the classroom and taking a seat. See yourself listening to the lecture and understanding what is being said. Think about a time when you were up against something you were sure you couldn’t do, but with hard work, you did it successfully. Visualize taking your seat on the test day, picking up your pencil, reading the questions, and completing every problem.

10 CONQuering Your Fears: Activity 217 Cont. If you repeat this exercise daily for several weeks, you should begin to feel more comfortable with the subject. When this happens, you will become more confident, and you will perform better. On Activity 217, write a guided visualization that will help you CONQuer a fear you currently have. Try to see yourself actually doing whatever it is that makes your anxious and write it on the lines on Activity 217. If you FEEL yourself going through the process, YOU WILL ACTUALLY PERFORM BETTER than if you just visualize the process!

11 Your Courage Action Plan: Activity 221 Answer the questions HONESTLY!

12 Career Back-Up Plan: Activity 227 Keeping your career interest in mind, map out career alternatives in the chart on Activity 227. 1. Write your ideal job title in the box that corresponds with the required training or education. 2. In the starred box, write the industry or career cluster in which the career is affiliated. 3. Look at the education/training level needed, choose a job within that career interest area and put that job title in the corresponding box along with the annual medial salary.

13 Movie Time! Ted Talk: Grit ~7 minutes

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