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Tutorials, College Fears Thursday, September 24, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Tutorials, College Fears Thursday, September 24, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tutorials, College Fears Thursday, September 24, 2015

2 Thursday, 9/24 EQ: “What doubts do I have about applying to college?”  Pick up a planner check form, put your name on it, open your planner to this week, place the planner and form on the center lab table beside your grade check folder.  Set room up for tutorials  Same groups as last time  Upcoming dates…  Friday, 9/25 – Recommendation letters due  Monday, 9/28 – Tutorials  Wednesday, 9/30 – Tutorials  Friday, 10/2 – Checks (B, G, CN, planner) – Note: One CN for each content class…I will roll the dice to determine which one I grade.  Sunday, 11/1 – Proof of three college applications is due

3 Tutorials

4 Reflection  How many people presented in your group today? What subjects were discussed?  What goal do you think your group should focus on for the next tutorial?  Pick up five post it notes for after intermission activity.

5 Self Reflection – 5 minutes  On each Post-it note write one fear you have about applying to, being accepted to, or attending college.  Examples of fears may include the following:  I don’t know if I can afford it.  I’m afraid to move away from home.  I’m afraid I won’t be accepted.  I am an undocumented student and don’t want to get my parents in trouble.  I’m worried I won’t fit in there.  When you are finished, fold up your post it and I will be by to pick your fears up.

6 Discussion  Push first three rows towards the wall where the side white board.  Push the last three rows towards the wall with the Chrome Book cart.  Stand on each side of the tape.

7 Debrief  Was there symbolism in this activity?  How can we overcome our fears?

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