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 Humanist SchoolValues Humanist Ethos Project. The Ten Commitments  Altruism  Caring for the World Around Us  Critical Thinking  Empathy  Ethical.

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Presentation on theme: " Humanist SchoolValues Humanist Ethos Project. The Ten Commitments  Altruism  Caring for the World Around Us  Critical Thinking  Empathy  Ethical."— Presentation transcript:

1  Humanist SchoolValues Humanist Ethos Project

2 The Ten Commitments  Altruism  Caring for the World Around Us  Critical Thinking  Empathy  Ethical Development  Global Awareness  Human Rights  Peace and Social Justice  Responsibility  Service and Participation

3 Humanist School Values 1. DIGNITY: Proclaim the natural dignity and inherent worth of all human beings. 2. RESPECT: Respect the life and property of others 3. TOLERANCE: Be tolerant of others belief and life styles 4. SHARING: Share with those who are less fortunate and assist those who are in need of help. 5. NO DOMINATION: Do not dominate through lies or otherwise. 6. NO SUPERSTITION: Rely on Reason, Logic and Science to understand the universe and to solve life’s problems. 7. CONSERVATION: Conserve and improve the Earth’s natural environment. 8. NO WAR: Resolve differences and conflicts without resorting to war or violence 9. DEMOCRACY: Rely on political and economic democracy to organize human affairs. 10. EDUCATION: Develop ones intelligence and talents through education and effort. Source: Rodrique Tremblay “Global and Rational Ethics” http://www.thecodeforglobalethics.com

4 Personal goals Take responsibility for self improvement:  Understand your own strengths and weaknesses  Develop self-respect and self-discipline  Develop your talents and use opportunities  Strive for new knowledge, wisdom and understanding Influenced by: Michael Rosen & Annemarie Young “What is Humanism?” pages 22-5

5 Relationships with others We should:  Respect and care for others  Earn loyalty, trust and confidence by working cooperatively  Respect the privacy and property of others  Resolve disputes peacefully

6 Your place in society Respect the law Respect freedom of thought Be helpful towards others Respect democracy Be truthful and act with honesty We should:

7 You and your environment We should: Protect our environment for future generations Understand our responsibilities for other species Preserve the balance and diversity in nature wherever possible Preserve areas of beauty and interest for future generations

8 Personal pledges For Yourself  I value myself as a human being and I will strive for new knowledge, wisdom and understanding.  During the coming year I will aim to… For your relationships with others  I value others and will respect and care for them.  During the coming year I will aim to… For your place in society  I value truth, justice, human rights and freedom.  As a responsible citizen during the coming year I will… To care for your environment  I will take care of the local environment so during the coming year I will…

9 Humanist Counsellor Responsibilities:  Organising weekly debates on issues of human interest.  Running a club for children to promote humanist activities.  Promoting the celebration of important days in human achievement.  Arranging charitable activities in the local community.  Mobilising students and staff to protect the local environment.  Being part of the school disciplinary committee.

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