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ETICS An Environment for Distributed Software Development in Aerospace Applications SpaceTransfer09 Hannover Messe, 20.-24. April 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "ETICS An Environment for Distributed Software Development in Aerospace Applications SpaceTransfer09 Hannover Messe, 20.-24. April 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 ETICS An Environment for Distributed Software Development in Aerospace Applications SpaceTransfer09 Hannover Messe, 20.-24. April 2009

2 3/20/2016ETICS: Distributed Software Development VEGA has 25 years experience in designing and implementing ground infrastructure systems to control satellites and to process the data they sound back to earth. The ESA Ground Segment Infrastructure is – Complex; Heterogeneous; Distributed. VEGA in Space

3 3/20/2016ETICS: Distributed Software Development Organisations which have to manage such infrastructures are often teams spanning multiple companies across Europe and are dealing with a number of challenges – –The development teams are geographically separated; –The composition of the development teams often varies over time. These separate groups must be synchronized, in order to warrant product efficiency.  A distributed development environment is needed which facilitates secure inter-group collaboration. The Challenge

4 3/20/2016ETICS: Distributed Software Development VEGA has searched for a Software Development Environment which can support such collaboration. The environment – Shall aid the involved parties in using best practice software standards; Shall provide a flexible, but secure interaction and access control to be shared and used by multiple parties in the long run; Shall provide transparency and control of the projects being developed in a multi partners environment. The Need

5 3/20/2016ETICS: Distributed Software Development The Solution ETICS stands for – E-infrastructure for Testing, Integration and Configuration of Software; ETICS is an EU FP 7 Infrastructure Project, originated from the Grid Community; ETICS started in January 2006 and it will run until February 2010; ETICS is a complete infrastructure for building, testing, configuring and managing distributed software projects.

6 3/20/2016ETICS: Distributed Software Development ETICS Architecture

7 3/20/2016ETICS: Distributed Software Development It is a software engineering management system; It is a build and test infrastructure; It provides tools and resources to configure, manage and analyse build and test runs; It provides a common interface to facilitate knowledge sharing and operations management; It has an open repository of configuration metadata, packages and reports. The goal is to share, reliably store and to preserve information; It has an extendable architecture to allow to integrate ETICS into existing processes and to extend it with custom actions; It is multi-platform suited and independent from any specific build or test tool. ETICS Highlights

8 3/20/2016ETICS: Distributed Software Development Typical ETICS Execution Sequence etics-get-projectetics-checkoutetics-build/test Extract metadata information about a project from the ETICS DB Extract configuration information from the ETICS DB and source/binary packages from different repositories cvssvnhttp Execute the build or test operations make ant Unit tests, coverage, service mgmt, packaging, reporting

9 3/20/2016ETICS: Distributed Software Development Application Example I ESA/ESOC SLE API in the VEGA local ETICS System

10 3/20/2016ETICS: Distributed Software Development Application Example II ESA/ESOC SLE API in the VEGA local ETICS System

11 3/20/2016ETICS: Distributed Software Development Plugins and Metrics Collectors The ETICS system provides a core set of tools and a published specification for developing additional plugins; Plugins provide very specific functionality like packaging, static or dynamic testing, standards compliance testing, service installation management, reporting and more; Plugins can publish information in the ETICS system in the form of metrics, which can then be used to do data mining or trend analysis using the available ETICS reporting tools.

12 3/20/2016ETICS: Distributed Software Development The ‘Distributed Testing’ Feature One of the last features to be added, still in experimental mode; It allows designing complex tests involving several services and test applications to be deployed on separate nodes; ETICS analyses the definition and deploys the services on the necessary nodes; A synchronization mechanism orchestrates the start/stop of services and the execution of the test applications; At the end the results are collected and reported as a single report.

13 3/20/2016ETICS: Distributed Software Development A common repository of official images will be set up and maintained; The ETICS client can download and start a virtual machine directly on the worker node; Custom-configured virtual machines can be set up by users for testing purposes. Dynamic Deployment of Virtual Images

14 3/20/2016ETICS: Distributed Software Development User Roles Change of Ownership and User Roles during Project O1 O2O3 S P C1 C2 Development PhaseMaintenance PhaseAcceptance Phase S C1 C2 S C1 C2 Administration O1 O4 O3 PP

15 3/20/2016ETICS: Distributed Software Development Summary ETICS is not only ‘a build system’; ETICS is a complete infrastructure for configuring, building, testing and managing the software development process just as it is needed in the Aerospace Industry; The current system origins from the Grid Community; VEGA’s role: –To promote and transfer this well suited tool into the Aerospace community; –To return the key requirements from the Aerospace community in order to extend the commercial usability of the system.

16 ETICS Partners The ETICS consortium consists of eight partners from industry and science, lead managed by CERN.

17 Thank You … Dr. Uwe Müller-Wilm VEGA – ETICS Team

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