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Argument Against Empiricism (P1)Because we have no reliable method for error-correction, we can’t be certain that we are not dreaming/deluded/ brains-in-vats.

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Presentation on theme: "Argument Against Empiricism (P1)Because we have no reliable method for error-correction, we can’t be certain that we are not dreaming/deluded/ brains-in-vats."— Presentation transcript:

1 Argument Against Empiricism (P1)Because we have no reliable method for error-correction, we can’t be certain that we are not dreaming/deluded/ brains-in-vats. (P2)If we cannot be certain that we are not dreaming, etc., we cannot be certain that what we sense is real. (P3)If we cannot be certain that what we sense is real, we cannot acquire knowledge through sense experience. (C)Therefore, we cannot acquire knowledge through sense experience.

2 First Argument for God’s Existence (P1)There must be at least as much reality and perfection in a cause as in its effect. (P2)If an idea contains some “objective reality” that is not in its cause, then something has come from nothing. (P3)But nothing can come from nothing. (P4)While my ideas of physical object could have come from me, I also have an idea of God, who is (among other things) infinite. (P5)Being finite, I would not have the idea of infinite substance in me unless it came from a substance that really was infinite. (P6)There is more reality in an infinite substance than in a finite one, and my understanding of myself as imperfect must rely on my understanding of a greater perfection against which my defects are clear. (P7)“[B]ecause it contains more objective reality than any other idea, no idea is in and of itself truer and has less of a basis for being suspect of falsehood” than my idea of God. (C)Therefore, God exists.

3 Second Argument for God’s Existence (P1)I exist. (P2)Either: (a) I created myself; (b) I have always existed; (c) My parents or some other being(s) less perfect than God created me; or (d) God created me. (P3)Re: (a): If I had created myself, I would have made myself perfect. I am not, so I did not create myself. (P4)Re: (b): Some cause must continually “re-create” or “preserve” me, moment by moment—“conservation differs from creation”—and if this were in my power, I would surely be aware of it. I am not, so there must be some distinct entity upon whom I depend. (P5)Re: (c): This does not explain my having an idea of the infinite, perfect God, nor my sustained existence. Moreover, this solution only leads to infinite regress. (C)So (d): God created me, and, thus, God exists.

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