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Presentation on theme: " Bryce Rodgers Kent Warner Matt Heckman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bryce Rodgers Kent Warner Matt Heckman

2 System Architecture Analysis Overview: – MVC Pattern Database/Back-end ServerApp Objects on screen – Use Cases – Flow of Site/Use Cases – Mock-Ups – System Architecture – Database Scheme – Choose a Classifier – Correct Contradictions

3 Planning Design Use Case phase – Create and approve list of use cases – Create use case-requirement derivation table Diagram & Planning phase – Create System Architecture Diagram – Create Flow Diagram – Database Diagram – Classifier Solution Design – Sequence Diagram (Not Implemented) – System Infastructure Layer Diagrams (Not Implemented) Check phase – Document coverage of use-cases in each diagram – Check for contradicting subsystems/components – Check for satisfaction of all tasks against the schedule

4 Use Cases Ensure coverage of requirements – Use requirements as starting point Find an ‘order’ or ‘flow’ between use cases – Diagram the flow – Use as basis for each page in site 19 Use Cases Got the jist of ‘must-haves, the what, the how’

5 Use Case Titles: Service Homepage New Registration New users first login New Users Preference Profile New Users Preference Profile – Enter Food User Menu User adds a meal to the database User adds food item to database User s ‘Reports a Meal’ User records a recent meal – Current User records a recent meal – Previous User reviews all meals User reviews his meals. A user is able to get a meal suggestion for an untried meal The user is able have a meal selected that he has had before. The user is able to get a recipe he is known to like based on the main ingredient. The user will be provided a list of food items for the recommended meal User scores a meal The user shall be able to control the like/dislike algorithm.

6 Some Mock Ups

7 Use Case Flow Fits Use Cases together Identifies functionality and components within the system Shows where User behavior remains same or can split

8 A Standard System Architecture Plan to utilize CSG hosting services for SQL DB and Apache Web Server Don’t have to deal with real logistics of hosting a website Components which are not new to group members

9 Database Tables 4 Main Tables Unknown number of attributes, used by the classifier When asking for meal, query will use UserID to grab records from ChosenMeal, for each unique MealID it will query Meal, for each unique FoodItemID query FoodItem Query attributes of each FoodItemID, populate unprocessed data local data structure in web server

10 Classifier Behavior – Bayesian Network Query DB for all (or max amount) of past meals eaten by user, and whether they were liked or not ‘Liked’ = positive instance Meal composed of food items each with attributes (spicy yes/no, food group meat/dairy/etc., texture crunchy/chewy/other) Find probability user likes each attribute value Generate list of possible meals and use Bayesian Probability to determine which the user is most likely to ‘Like’ Plenty of room for tweaking – including how to create list of ‘possible meals’, whether or not some attributes are dependent on each other, number/variety of attributes, how many past meals to ‘train’ on, etc. Worry: Run-time

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