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WRSP 321 Principles of Leadership The Power of Personal Vision Excerpts from “Visioneering” By Andy Stanley.

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Presentation on theme: "WRSP 321 Principles of Leadership The Power of Personal Vision Excerpts from “Visioneering” By Andy Stanley."— Presentation transcript:

1 WRSP 321 Principles of Leadership The Power of Personal Vision Excerpts from “Visioneering” By Andy Stanley

2 I. Introduction ► “Everybody ends up somewhere in life. A few people end up somewhere on purpose. Those are the ones with vision. “ -Andy Stanley

3 II. The Multiple-Vision Areas (or Vision Sets) in Our Lives ► Two Areas:  Personal – Family (Future Family)  Personal – Professional ► Personal vision gives ____________ to otherwise meaningless details of our lives. significance

4 III. God’s vision is cast uniquely for each of us ► “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.” - Ephesians 2:10 NASB  This means you are the _________ of God’s vision.  You are the __________ of something God envisioned.  But His vision for you is not complete. You have a part.  We have been _____________ and then __________ by God for a particular purpose. product outcome envisionedcrafted

5 IV. Four threads that vision weaves into the fabric of our daily lives 1. Passion  Vision evokes ________.  There is no such thing as an ___________ vision.  If you are trying to cast vision for something you have no passionate emotion about…you will not last long and your effectiveness will be extremely temporal. emotion emotionless

6 IV. Four threads that vision weaves into the fabric of our daily lives 2. Motivation  Vision is the ______ that _______ motivation. 3. Direction  Vision _________ decision making.  People without clear vision are often _______________.  Without vision, there is no relational, financial or moral _________. enginepowers simplifies easily distracted compass

7 IV. Four threads that vision weaves into the fabric of our daily lives 4. Purpose  Personal vision ________ into purpose.  The _____________ of your life and vision help carry you through the barriers that would otherwise slow you down and trip you up.  Remember, your set of personal visions are ______ to you…no one else shares your particular passions for what could be. translates purposefulness unique

8 V. Questions to Ponder: ► How’s the use of your time and energy in fulfilling the God-wired vision in your life? (Eph. 2:10) ► Have you clarified a vision for your marriage, your family, your relationships, your finances? ► Have you clarified a vision for your professional life?

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