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Biolab Operations Preparation Overview D. Seibt, DLR MUSC POIWG #21 Jan. 2007 MSFC Huntsville, AL.

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Presentation on theme: "Biolab Operations Preparation Overview D. Seibt, DLR MUSC POIWG #21 Jan. 2007 MSFC Huntsville, AL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biolab Operations Preparation Overview D. Seibt, DLR MUSC POIWG #21 Jan. 2007 MSFC Huntsville, AL

2 Microgravity User Support CenterPOIWG #21, Jan. 2007, MSFC, Huntsville, AL2 The ESA Facility Biolab for ISS Columbus Module Double rack (ISPR) - Left rack half („automated part“ for experiment execution) - Right rack half („manual part“ for experiment preparation or finalisation) Capabilites: - Temperature control - Atmosphere composition (O 2, CO 2, humidity) - Automated fluid transfer (Handling mechanism) - Analysis Instruments - Centrifuges - Glovebox for crew operations on samples - Video capabilities Biological experiment spectrum supported - From bacteria to higher organisms (such as plants, insects, larvae) - Long term evaluation („from egg to egg“) Fig. 1: Biolab Flight Model during Integration in Bremen

3 Microgravity User Support CenterPOIWG #21, Jan. 2007, MSFC, Huntsville, AL3 Biolab Details Rack left, from top to bottom: -Compartments for temperature controlled and ambient stowage - Analysis Instruments (microscope and spectrophotometer) behind stowage provisions - Handling mechanism for sample transfer between incubator, analysis instruments and stowage compartments - Incubator with two centrifuge for providing defined g-levels (µ-g to 1.5 x g) - Temperature, atmosphere composition, video capabilities and experiment container support functions on centrifuges Remote Power Distribution Panel (RPDA) Rack right, from top to bottom: - Central Control Unit (SPLC/RIC), video recorder, connection for Biolab laptop) - Bioglovebox (BGB) for manipuation of samples (e.g. preparation, control and finalisation of experiment runs) and with ozone sterilisation capability for BGB and Incubator - Two Temperature Controlled Units for stowage of larger sample/chemicals volumes until usage or final return to earth Fig. 2. Biolab centrifuges and life support system modules visible after incubator main door removal

4 Microgravity User Support CenterPOIWG #21, Jan. 2007, MSFC, Huntsville, AL4 Overall scenario when experimenting with BIOLAB A standard biological experiment (generic, nominal) - Handling of samples/chemicals at defined temperatures after arrival at the station - Preparation of the experiment containers by crew (BGB) - Introduction of samples into BLB Incubator (centrifuges) - Predefined (automated) or ground-commanded processing (e.g. application of a defined g-force, temperature, atmosphere composition, light regime etc.) - Automated/commanded control steps (involving AIs and Handling Mechanism) - Control from ground using video capabilites (may be assisted by crew support) - Finalisation of experiment with removal of samples, final documentation (e.g. photo/video), disassembly of ECs - Preparation of samples for return according to temperature requirements Note, that a.m. steps sum up all potential phases of experiments which may apply more or less depending on the experiment under study.

5 Microgravity User Support CenterPOIWG #21, Jan. 2007, MSFC, Huntsville, AL5 Preparation Activities Biolab - Procedure Development Procedures (Payload part) are developed according to ODF standard for usage in the iPV (international Procedure Viewer) At the moment priority lies on commissioning procedures (e.g. to bring Biolab in a working status where it can be used for experiments). This includes removal of all engagement structures required for launching Biolab with Columbus and first functional and performance tests. Verification and validation of the procedures is based on - desktop reviews, - crew reviews and - using Biolab Engineering Model (at MUSC) and Training Model (located at EAC, Cologne; if necessary) and - during Simulations Amount of procedures required for setup activities (crew procedures) and for function/performance testing from ground (with small request on crew, only): approx. 30. Fig. 5. Cutting from a procedure for removal of engagements inside BLB incubator

6 Microgravity User Support CenterPOIWG #21, Jan. 2007, MSFC, Huntsville, AL6 Preparation Activities Biolab- Biolab Displays In parallel to procedure authoring, displays are developed to be used on CD-MCS (the ESA provided system for monitoring and controlling (commanding) facilities from USOC side) Displays are either pure ground displays or replicas of flight displays migrated from Laptop environment to CD-MCS (providing an identical view as available for crew) Fig. 6. Example of an alpha-numeric display for ancillary data (above) and of a BLB flight laptop-similar display (right)

7 Microgravity User Support CenterPOIWG #21, Jan. 2007, MSFC, Huntsville, AL7 Biolab Operations Preparation – Work Flow: Where we are Place and infrastructure have been provided to house - Ground models, - ESA AFEs, - IT infrastructure and to - support scientists (biological labs, off-line working areas, hyper-g facilities and µ-g simulation equipment) Biolab EM, SRM are available on-site Operations Testing has been performed but is on-going: SVTs, IT Tests, SAS and ISs Scientific testing for the first potential experiment: WAICO Inputs to Training have been provided Fig. 7. Opened Biolab Science Reference Model (SRM) showing Experiment Container trays and related Handling Mechanisms and Life Support Module (LSM) tray

8 Microgravity User Support CenterPOIWG #21, Jan. 2007, MSFC, Huntsville, AL8 Network established for Biolab Support

9 Microgravity User Support CenterPOIWG #21, Jan. 2007, MSFC, Huntsville, AL9 - IT tests were performed with Col-CC until end of 2006 - Simulations (Stand-alone and integrated (involving several USOCs)) started in the 4th quarter 2006 and will be continued - System Validation Tests (SVTs) a. End-To-End tests inside Europe (monitoring and control (commanding) of Biolab located at Bremen in Columbus Module from Cologe via Col-CC at Oberpfaffenhofen) – SVT-2 and SVT-2r b. Tests with NASA sites at Houston and/or Huntsville: SVT-3, SVT-4.2 Fig. 9. Console team during SVT-2 dry-run Operations Preparation Biolab – Testing

10 Microgravity User Support CenterPOIWG #21, Jan. 2007, MSFC, Huntsville, AL10 General Resources Required for Biolab Operation On-board ISS: - Power, - Water flow for heat management, - S/Ku band (for TC and TM), video - Crew time for experiment setup, control and troubleshooting etc. On-ground: - GSP (ground support personnel), - IGS, - CD-MCS, - Support by Col-CC Experiment specific: - Ground Models for control experiments, trouble-shooting - Ground crew to run models

11 Microgravity User Support CenterPOIWG #21, Jan. 2007, MSFC, Huntsville, AL11 Preparation for Increment 16 - On Orbit Facility Operations - Manual crew activities required for Facility Set-up - Check-out of subfacilities and functional tests to be performed as far as possible from ground - Performance test for subsystems to be performed as far as possible from ground - Preparation for a first biological experiment in Biolab (WAICO: an experiment using plants (Arabidopsis) to evalute gravity influences on growth parameters) Fig. 10. Arabidopsis, thale cress

12 Microgravity User Support CenterPOIWG #21, Jan. 2007, MSFC, Huntsville, AL12 Depending on the workload required to support Biolab operations, MUSC plans to organise the work as follows: - Biolab switched off: availability of personnel on call - Biolab stand-by/low Biolab activities (such as unattended operations, e.g. cooler/freezer running etc.): 10 resp. 15 working hours, 5 working days a week - High Biolab activities (e.g. running experiment): increase up to 24 h / 7 days per week Console composition (per shift): - Ops. LeadPaul Esser, Dieter Seibt - Data and CommandSait Gürsoy, Michael Wirtz - Ground ControllerManfred Exner, Markus Ostrominski - Planner/Scientific CoordinatorMarianne Schuber, N.N. - PI and engineering support console places are available MUSC will be support by the Facility Support Center (FSC) Biotesc, Zurich, CH, with respect to operations and experiments (relying on the experience mainly in biotechnology gained by a large number of own experiments performed in space during the last decades) Biolab Operations Ground Setup and Working Mode

13 Microgravity User Support CenterPOIWG #21, Jan. 2007, MSFC, Huntsville, AL13 Operations Preparation Biolab – Add-on

14 Microgravity User Support CenterPOIWG #21, Jan. 2007, MSFC, Huntsville, AL14 DLR MUSC User Support for Life Sciences, past Support to space experiments D-2 Biolabor and Anthrorack (1993) IML-2 NIZEMI (Slow Rotating Centrifuge Microscope (1994) Support to different MIR missions Support for experiments transported with Soyuz and performed in Russian segment of ISS (2006) Fig. 3. KUBIK facility used during Experiments in Russian segment

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