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Makenzie & Sloane. What happens in early childhood can matter for a lifetime. In young children, stress resulting from major trauma such as extreme poverty.

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Presentation on theme: "Makenzie & Sloane. What happens in early childhood can matter for a lifetime. In young children, stress resulting from major trauma such as extreme poverty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Makenzie & Sloane

2 What happens in early childhood can matter for a lifetime. In young children, stress resulting from major trauma such as extreme poverty and homelessness, can weaken the developing brain and can lead to lifelong problems.. This stress and trauma is emotionally and cognitively damaging to them.

3  Homeless kids usually have a low self esteem, anti social and have no confidence. They are being surrounded with kids at school who are wealthy or just average when they don’t have a home. They are embarrassed, sad and most homeless kids don’t have a parents or family.

4  Homeless kids need more attention than average or higher up kids. More than likely they don’t have parents and have seen or been in tragic accidents and they need teachers and peers to love them and care. Teachers that love them and care help them in school and outside of school. Homelessness

5  How can teachers help the needs of children who are poor? Teachers can create a good environment, get to know the student, & find out what the student is interested in.  How do schools help the needs of children who are poor? Schools can help by providing food and a caring environment produced by the teachers and peers.  How do you know if students are homeless? The way they dress, their attitude towards things, and most of all their self-esteem.

6  A federal law that ensures immediate enrollment in school for homeless children.  Even if they don’t have the right documents or a ride.

7  When families with children are poor, their children drop out of school early and get involved in violent crimes, early sexual activity, and drugs.  If the students are taught in the right way they can succeed in school and later in life.

8  Build lessons based on information learned about that student in your class  Allow students to tell their story  Identify the students learning style  Encourage them  Build a relationship with them

9  /TabId/270/ArtMID/888/ArticleID/351/Leading- Learning-for-Children-From-Poverty.aspx /TabId/270/ArtMID/888/ArticleID/351/Leading- Learning-for-Children-From-Poverty.aspx  ding-homelessness/impact-of-homelessness-on- children/ ding-homelessness/impact-of-homelessness-on- children/  national-youth-advocate-program-successfully-accesses- the-mckinney-vento-homeless-assistance-act/ national-youth-advocate-program-successfully-accesses- the-mckinney-vento-homeless-assistance-act/

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