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How to kick butt on standardized tests. Why take the test? All students in MN are required to take it Passing the test is a graduation requirement It.

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Presentation on theme: "How to kick butt on standardized tests. Why take the test? All students in MN are required to take it Passing the test is a graduation requirement It."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to kick butt on standardized tests


3 Why take the test? All students in MN are required to take it Passing the test is a graduation requirement It shows staff if you are struggling, proficient, or excelling in reading This helps guide what staff may recommend in regards to summer school, class selection for your junior and senior year, college choices, etc.


5 Know what to expect: practice and prepare Exercise regularly Eat healthy meals Sleep for 8 hours or longer


7 Take a shower, brush your teeth, and wear layers Eat a healthy breakfast with protein Leave your cell phone and other electronic devices at home or in your locker Be early for the test Bring with you: a few sharpened pencils (not mechanical) with good erasers water spearmint/peppermint gum or mints


9 Read the questions before you read the article, story, or poem Don’t read the answer choices Star questions you think will be found in the article (for now, leave inference questions alone) Read the title, look at the pictures, study the graphs/charts Underline main ideas and terms Take notes in the margins Cross out incorrect answers Reread the article if you need to

10 Take your time Don’t let the pacing of others distract you Know that you have as much time as you need to complete the test Take deep breaths Put your pencil down for a moment: Stretch your fingers Do a head and neck roll Wiggle your toes

11 Do “brain gym” activities at your desk Trace a “lazy 8” (∞ ) on your paper: do this with both hands Match your left-hand fingertips together with the right and apply slight pressure With one hand, create “Spock fingers” and then switch them to “Westside”. Repeat a few times and then switch hands. TO Cross hands and ankles at your desk (these are called “hook ups”)




15 Don’t stay up late the night before, and don’t use electronics before you go to sleep. According to the Better Health Sleep Disorder Clinic… Not having enough sleep can lead to an failure to focus and stay awake during an exam. Electronic devices stimulate one’s brain and makes it harder to fall asleep and sleep soundly once one does.











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