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Welcome to Seminar ED503 ED 503. Agenda  General comments  Rules of engagement  Best time for seminar—Survey Monkey  Holiday Schedule  Getting to.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Seminar ED503 ED 503. Agenda  General comments  Rules of engagement  Best time for seminar—Survey Monkey  Holiday Schedule  Getting to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Seminar ED503 ED 503

2 Agenda  General comments  Rules of engagement  Best time for seminar—Survey Monkey  Holiday Schedule  Getting to know you  Overview of our major assignments  Discussion topic

3 General Comments  [repost]  Asking questions  DropBox  Formative feedback  Late Assignments  Discussion boards  Extra Help  Plagiarism

4 Rules of Engagement

5 Holiday Schedule  December 21-January 3 rd  No expectations of posting or interaction with faculty during holiday schedule  Combined weeks: 2 & 3  Dec. 14-Dec. 20 th Weeks 2 and 3 posts Workshop assignment

6 Discussion Board Rubric  Knowledge of Content: 6  Critical Thinking: 8  Contribution to Flow of Academic Exchange: 8  Participation: 5  Writing Mechanics and APA: 3  Total: 30

7 Journal Rubric  Content (7)  Post includes  all the requested items, and covers each in a substantive way.  Demonstrates a strong understanding of topics relevant to K-12 instruction.  Spelling, Grammar, APA Style (3)  Few or no errors in  spelling,  grammar, and  APA style.  Comment: Provide references  No expectation of interaction

8 Wiki Rubric  Content (15)  Student addresses topic of wiki with thoroughness and clarity.  Spelling, Grammar, APA Style (5)  Few or no errors in  spelling,  grammar, and  APA style.  Comment: Provide references  No expectation of interaction

9 Workshop (1): Choose a Topic  Explain Erikson’s stages of psycho-social development and analyze implications of his theory for teaching.  Explain multiple aspects of self-esteem and analyze implications for teaching.  Explain Kohlberg’s stages of moral development and analyze implications of his theory for teaching.  Analyze and explain inherent difficulties in defining intelligence and analyze implications for teaching.  Discuss the idea of multicultural education and its implications for teaching.  Discuss the idea of constructionism (Seymour Papert) and its implications for teaching and learning.

10 Workshop (2) PowerPoint Presentation  5 to 7 slides (minimum)  Should address:  A title slide  Introduction to the topic  Key information  Why this information is important to restructuring  How it will be used  References (Be sure to include references for any media used in the presentation.)  You must use speaker notes!

11 Position Paper  Choice of 2 topics.  Choose one of the following:  Is constructivism the best philosophy of education? or  Do computers negatively affect student growth?

12 Position Paper  Five page maximum (if it were single spaced; doesn’t include references or cover page  Cover Page and APA format  Synthesize your information  Textbook and  Research study or additional article

13 Electronic Portfolio: MAT  One: Classroom Management  Two: Innovations in Education  Three: Career Exploration  Must meet standard as a requirement for your program—at least 75/100 points  Use for job opportunities

14 Electronic Portfolio: non-MAT  One: Philosophy of Education  Two: Innovations in Education  Three: Career Exploration  Must meet standard as a requirement for your program  Points: 100

15 Constructivist Lesson Plan (270 pts.) Learning Objective Materials and Resources Prior Knowledge Key Vocabulary Terms or Concepts Opening Activity Instruction Guided Practice Independent Practice Assessment Extension Activities Classroom Management References Questions at the end of lesson plan

16 Discussion: What should we do?  A donation was provided to have an expert scientist come to all classrooms and conduct a presentation. This middle grades classroom has a diverse group of learners: some students are ELL, some have disabilities, some have behavior issues, and some who read above grade and some below.  The expert has presented in one classroom. The presentation was highly technical and the expert only used text-heavy transparencies.  In your future role in the K-12 setting, discuss and explain how you could assist in ensuring that future presentations result in a productive experience for all students.

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