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Results of the AEG e-Consultation on Measurement of Database in National Accounts UN STATISTICS DIVISION Economic Statistics BranchNational Accounts SectionUN.

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Presentation on theme: "Results of the AEG e-Consultation on Measurement of Database in National Accounts UN STATISTICS DIVISION Economic Statistics BranchNational Accounts SectionUN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Results of the AEG e-Consultation on Measurement of Database in National Accounts UN STATISTICS DIVISION Economic Statistics BranchNational Accounts SectionUN STATISTICS DIVISION Economic Statistics BranchNational Accounts Section

2 Measurement of Database in National Accounts Canberra II Group made following recommendations to the AEG for its consideration:  Value of the database reflects the value of DBMS, plus the cost of converting data from one medium/format to the medium/format required for access by DBMS. The value of database does not include the value of information  All databases holding data with a useful life of more than one year are fixed asset  No maintenance entailed with database  Own account database capital formation = No. of employees * average remuneration * time spent in developing database + other intermediate costs, excluding the value of the software supporting the database.

3 Measurement of Database in National Accounts No QuestionYesNo 1Do you agree that all databases holding data with a useful life of more than one year are a fixed asset? 16- 2Do you agree that the valuation of a database should be that of Definition 2, but exclude the value of the DBMS, which should continue to be recorded as a software asset? 161 3Do you agree there is no maintenance entailed with databases and that all set-up and updating costs should be recorded as capital formation? 151 4Do you agree with recommended method for deriving estimates of own account database capital formation? 151

4 Measurement of Database in National Accounts Conclusions of the e-consultation: Value of the database should only include the costs of developing the database excluding the value of the software used for converting information from one media/format onto the electronic media Databases holding data with a useful life of more than one year are fixed assets. No maintenance entailed with databases and that all set-up and updating costs should be recorded as capital formation Labour input method proposed for deriving macro- based estimates of own-account production of databases

5 Thank You

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